Chapter 15

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After the mission of looking for Bariyons, the class was all called together a few days later to gather at Mephy Land, a theme park with he theme of... Mephisto. Kiara had been to this place many times as she grew up since the orphanage always had a yearly trip to the amusement park. For someone who doesn't feel fear, half of the amusement park rides are completely meaningless to her.

Currently she was sitting at the base of a large, golden, Mephisto statue along with the rest of the class— well everyone except Izumo and Sheimi. Off to the side, Yukio and Mr. Tsubaki were chatting quietly.

"Aw man, a field trip to the amusement park, that's where you take girls on a date." Shima said.

"This isn't about having fun." Konekomaru said, "Oh, Shima, Rin, how did your Team do on your mission?"

"I wouldn't call it a mission." Shima grumbled. He glanced towards Rin, "Would you?"

"A big ass squid's what I'd call it." Rin said.

"Damn, sounds millions of times better that collecting Bariyons." Kiara said. "The most action I got was falling into a river."

"A river you say? How wet did ya get?" Shima asked, only to let out a grunt of pain as Bon elbowed him in the side. "What was that for, Bon?" He asked.

"Sorry I'm so late!" Someone exclaimed and Kiara looked up to see Sheimi and Izumo running up towards the group.

"Oh, hey! You're wearing a uniform!" Kiara said, leaning forwards slightly, "Looks good!"

"Ah, thank you!" Sheimi said, "I asked the director to issue me a uniform! I was kind of worried it would look weird on me."

"Oh... wow! You sure look cute Moriyama." Shima said, Konekomaru and Bon nodding in agreement. "You know, Kiara and Shiemi have pretty similar rack— Ah! Bon! That hurt." Shima said, this time rubbing the back of his head.

Kiara let out a small laugh, spotting Rin move over towards Yukio and whisper something to him, only for Yukio to hit him in the face with the notebook he had in his hand.

"That hurt four-eyes!" Rin shouted.

Yukio just ignored him and cleared his throat, getting everyone's attention. "Okay, now that you're all here, let's get started. You'll be teaming up in groups of two for today. Due to the odd number of students, we'll be having one group of three." He opened up the notebook and started listing off the groups. "The groups are Miwa and Takara, Yamada, Suguro, and Pheles-"

Bon grunted, sending a short glare towards Yamada. "At least there'll be two people in the group who'll pull their weight."

"Kamaki and Shima, and Okumura and Moriyama." Yukio finished looking up from his notebook. "Today we're here at Mepphyland, and the reason we're here is in response to reports regarding a mysterious ghost. Today, you are going to be the ones tracking it down. We've sealed the park off from the public, so you have the whole day to find the ghost. Once you find it call either Mr. Tsubaki or myself."

Mr. Tsubaki cleared his throat, "Now then, what is the definition of a ghost?" He looked around at the students, his eyes landing on Kiara, "Miss Pheles, do you know?"

Of course I had to be the one he called on. Kiara thought. "It's a demon that possessed the corpse of a human or an animal. It feeds off the emotions that host had before death."

"Yes, very good Miss Pheles."

"Um... exactly how many ghosts are we looking for?" Konekomaru asked.

"There have been sightings all over the park, but according to my intel, just the one ghost. It appears in the form of a small boy. And it's mischief has been limited to arm pulling and skirt flipping."

"Huh? Skirt flipping?" Rin exclaimed in shock.

"Really? That's childish— oh wait... it is a child." Shima said.

"The planks will only get more dangerous, so it's imperative we find the ghost immediately." Yukio said.

"If we spread out across the park, we'll find the ghost in no time." Bon said.

"Does anyone have any questions?" Yukio asked, and when nobody raised their hand, he continued talking, "All right, then. Good luck!" He said, and soon everyone parted off into their separate groups and headed into the theme park.


Later, Kiara was walking around with Bon and Yamada, they were near the center of the park, walking around the Ferris wheel.

"Man, I doubt we're going to find this ghost. With his luck, it'll probably be Okumura who finds the ghost." Kiara said with a sigh. "I swear, that boy is like a demon magnet."

"You said it." Bon grumbled. Then he turned to Yamada, who was now just playing games. "Hey, would it kill you to help us look for a change?"

Yamada didn't respond, but Kiara watched as he looked up from his game. He put it into his pocket and started running towards a nearby roller coaster and climbed up the ladder.

"Hey!" Bon exclaimed.

"Well, we might as well follow him." Kiara shrugged, and started walking towards the ladder. She glanced back at Bon, "You coming?"

Bon glanced at her, then his eyes trailed down to her skirt. "I-I'll go up before you." He said, walking past her and starting to climb up the ladder.

Kiara watched, and just shrugged, "Whatever." She said and followed the two up the ladder.

The three of them reached the top of the ladder and stood on top of one of the beams. Just as they reached the top, everything started up. Rides started moving and music started playing. Kiara looked around, spotting dust rising up from the beams of a nearby roller coaster.

"What was that? What the hell's going on over there?" Bon asked. "Woah!" Both Kiara and Bon watched as Yamada jumped down from the beam they were on and started running towards the commotion.

"Something's not right. And I doubt this is the work of that ghost." Kiara said as she shoved her hands in her skirt pockets pausing and pulling out a lollipop. What? I didn't put that there, and I'm sure that there wasn't anything in my pockets when I left this morning... she thought, twirling it in her hand. With a sudden realization Kiara looked towards the roller coaster, where she felt a sudden surge of power. "Uncle Amaymon."

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