Chapter 33

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Kiara was surrounded by an endless darkness, a black smoke swirling around her feet. Though it seemed to be thicker than before. To any normal person this would be terrifying, but Kiara was just completely done. Once moment she was standing in the chamber, the next she was in the void. The only thing missing is a giant douche of a dad.

"Kiara, my dear."

There he is.

"What do you want?" Kiara asked, turning and facing Irajah as he walked out of the smoke. "And don't say anything about 'wanting to see your darling daughter'." She summoned her sword and narrowed her eyes. "Though, it's been a while since I've seen you, I was beginning to hope that you were dead."

Irajah just chuckled. "I apologize for my absence. I've had some... business to attend to. But, you don't need to be concerned about that. I wanted to check in on you."

"Check in, right." Kiara rolled her eyes. "You can give up the 'caring father' act— not like it was that convincing anyways." She crouched down, "I know what happened with my mother."

Irajah didn't look alarmed, in fact, his expression didn't even change. "It was only a matter of time before you found out about your mother. She was truly a wonderful woman."

That pissed Kiara off. Sure, she never knew her mom personally, but just knowing that Irajah used her for his own gain and he had the audacity to say something like that? The fucking nerve. She ran towards him and swung her sword, watching as it went straight through as his body where her sword went through dissolved into smoke before reconnecting— as if nothing even touched him. "You fucking coward! Why don't you actually visit me instead of sending whatever this fucking illusion is! You're the demon of fear, right? That's a joke, since you seem to be scared of your own fucking daughter."

Irajah sighed and placed a hand on the bridge of his nose. "And here I thought we could have a nice little chat. Looks like we'll have to put that on hold."

"What are you talking about?"

Irajah lowered his hand and looked at her, his red eyes glinting. "Nothing you need to think about at the moment. All will become clear in due time. For now, I believe this meeting of ours is over. Farewell."

With that Kiara opened her eyes and sat up with a start, breathing heavily. There was a throbbing pain in the back of her head and she realized she was laying on the ground. She must of passed out while in that realm.

No matter. I can't let myself think too much about that. The eye has been taken and they're going to need all the help they can get. She pushed herself off the ground and headed back to the inn— it looked like the door had been left open a crack so she had been able to get out without needing a key. Once she was back inside the inn, she walked around the halls looking for everyone else.

"There she is!" Someone called, and Kiara perked up to see two exorcists pointing at her.

"Oh, uh, hey guys." She said, raising her hand. "You been looking for me or something?"

"She's a half demon too! She might be like that Okumura boy!"

"Wait what?" Kiara asked, not having time to think as the two men charged straight towards her. She could feel the fear radiating off of the two and figured they were doing this out of pure fear. Nonetheless she was still being chased by two taller, probably stronger, and more experienced exorcists who probably wanted to throw her in a cell and she did not want to be stuck in some kind of cell when she could be out doing things.

"Come back here demon!" One of the men shouted.

"Fuck no!" Kiara screeched, literally jumping down a flight of stairs before continuing to run. Thank god I have superhuman stamina. She thought, though it wasn't even a full minute before she skidded to a halt, being faced with a dead end. "Shit."

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