Chapter 8

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Over the next few days, Kiara just kept getting angrier and angrier at the way Izumo was treating Sheimi. Asking her to get papers for her, carrying Izumo's stuff for class from the shop, and doing stupid errands such as picking up melon bread and fruit milk for Izumo, watching her treatment of Sheimi made Kiara's blood boil.

Though soon it was Monday, the day their boot camp was just about to start. Currently Kiara was slipping her uniform sweater over her head, she had just finished packing a few minutes ago and was preparing to head to the academy building where she had agreed to meet the others there to walk over together. Grabbing the key to the academy, she looked around her room to see if she was forgetting anything. Pausing when she spotted a little cylinder on her desk.

It was an expandable staff, Mephisto had given it to her a few days ago saying that she needed another weapon other than a familiar, and it would be good practice for when she got a sword. Kiara walked over and slipped it into her skirt pocket. Who knows, she might need in sometime during the boot camp. After she grabbed it, she headed to the academy building, stepping out of a janitors closet and making her way out to the front gate, where she saw everyone waiting.

"You're late." Izumo said once Kiara walked up to them.

"Yeah, and?" Kiara asked, raising her an eyebrow, just seeing Izumo made her want to punch the purple haired girl in the face. The only reason she didn't is the fact that there was a chance of her having to talk to Mephisto and she really didn't want to do that, she talked to him too much as it is.

"Who cares if she was late. She's here now, isn't she?" Paku said, "We should just start walking to the bootcamp."

"Yeah. Whatever." Izumo said, "Sheimi, carry this for me? Thanks." She gave Sheimi her bag and Kiara had to walk over to the other side of the group to avoid hitting her.

"Alright. Everyone's here so let's head to the boot camp!" Shima exclaimed, clapping his hands together.


"Good Morning!" Yukio and Rin called from in front of the old boy's dorm. It looked as if they had been waiting for the group to arrive.

"This place is like a ghost hotel or something." Bon stated, looking up at the building.

"Oh my Gosh, this place is so creepy! Couldn't you find a better place than this?" Izumo asked.

"Well I think it's perfect. Maybe we'll encounter some demons in there. Perfect for an exorcist boot camp." Kiara said with a grin.

"I just hope there are no spiders." Shima muttered, clutching his bag tightly.

"Well if you all would come in, we can start the boot camp." Yukio said, walking to the door and opening it, motioning for everyone to walk inside.

After everyone set their stuff down in the rooms they were going to be staying in they followed Yukio to another room that had two tables that were pushed together. Looking around, Kiara realized that this was the similar to the room that Mephisto had made into a hangout room for her dorm.

"The first thing you're going to do is a test." Yukio said, ignoring all the groans going around the room. "If you all would sit down, I will pass out the tests."


It was about two and a half hours later when they were finally finished. They had taken three tests in that time and Kiara's brain was fried. To say she was relieved when the timer went off for the end of the third test sounded would be an understatement.

"All right, time's up. Turn your papers over and hand them in." Yukio said.

"Man, it's finally over!" Shima exclaimed as he threw his head back, "That took forever!"

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