Chapter 32

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As Kiara and Bon ran towards the two of them, some more exorcists had run into the room, all of them prepared to fight.

This wasn't going to end well.

From the newly made hole in the ceiling, a man started to float down, hands in his pockets and a smile on his face. "Why hello Mr. Shima. So good to see you again."

"Todo! You devil!" Juzo shouted as he ran closer to the two of them. "You tricked Mamushi into this!"

Todo started laughing as he landed on one of the railings. "Devil, am I? I like it. But you're wrong about me tricking her. Actually Ms. Hojo asked for my help."

"What he says is true. Stealing the eyes was my idea." Mamushi confirmed.

"I don't believe that! He's brainwashing you! Come on Mamushi, can't you see he's messing with your head? Snap out of it!"

Behind her, Kiara heard and felt the panic of the other exorcists as Mamushi opened the jar, placing the eye in front of her own. "I know what I'm doing. You're the ones being tricked." She said.

A black vortex of fog rose up from the ground, and as everyone was trying to protect themselves from flying debris, Kiara rushed forwards towards the vortex, watching as both Todo and Mamushi dissolved into black particles just seconds before the vortex disappeared.

Chatter started up behind her, and Kiara just stood where the edge of the vortex had just been. She glared at the spot Mamushi had just been in, her hand tightening around the sword. She might not of been at this sect for long, but she had gotten to know many of the people who had been inflicted, as well as some of the people who worked at the temple, and to know that someone had betrayed some of the people she had become close to— that someone Bon had been close to— just pissed her off.

"Quiet everyone. Now's not the time to panic. We have to regroup!" Someone shouted, and Kiara looked over her shoulder to see Yaozo walking towards the group. She also noticed Bon had started walking towards something— or someone— as an older man in orange robes walked past the gathered exorcists. Bon caught of to him and grabbed his robes, a look of anger on his face. She turned and walked up to where exorcists were circling around the two and pushed her way to the front.

"Long time no see, dad." He said.

The man, Tatsuma Kiara assumed, chuckled and looked at Bon. "Ryuji, it has been a while. That sure is one heck of a Mohawk you got goin on!"

"Going somewhere?"

"Actually yeah, to go find Mamushi. Can't have her out there with that eye, can we? You mind lettin' me go?"

"You're going after Mamushi, huh? You know why she betrayed us? Why we're in this mess now? It's cause of you. This is your fault. You should of been at the meeting instead of fartin' around! You better start talking, dad. Is it true what Mamushi said? That you betrayed us?"

"I... what are you saying? Of course not!"

"Okay then, why don't you tell everyone right here right now what you've been up to!"

"You really wanna know, huh?" There was a small silence, and Kiara could of sworn she detected a small trace of fear rolling off of Bon. "Sorry, son, it's a secret. I can't tell anyone what it is. Ever. Not even my own son." That response only caused Bon's fear to rise— as well as the fear in other exorcists start to rise and fill the room.

"How can you say that after what just happened here?"

"Yeah, well, I have to go after Mamushi. Listen, be a good boy and do what you mom and teachers tell ya, oh and stay out of trouble." he placed a hand on Bon's shoulder, "Got it son?"

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