My Second Life

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Yeah you still don't know all there is to know about me. I may sleep at the shelter most nights and I may have run away from my foster family. But I also have another identity hidden from everyone. I do go to high school I am 17 I'm pretty sure at least that's what the government tells me. But at school I'm popular, I have a few close friends ( but not so close they know anything about me other then the few details I tell them. Also nothing that can be traced back to my real life my afterschool life.)I'm also a jock I play baseball and football during the seasons. I have almost straight A's and I would have an A in English if that stupid jerk Mr. Brown had just let me finish the last few lines I had left to write on my essay. Instead I have a B+. Yes Chelsea knows about me going to school but that is all she knows.

I slip out of the thin blanket and hear a loud creak as i get up off of the old hammock. Lucky it's such a common noise that most everyone stays asleep it's only 4:30 in the morning anyhow. They will all be kicked out in a few hours when the shelter closes up at 8 a.m.. very very carefully I tiptoed out of the main room and down the hallway. I slipped into an empty room and slowly opened the window that I always use to sneak out of. I tossed hoisted myself up and out in a quick move and landed kinda roughly in the very cramped alley beside the building. I slip out of the alley quickly and into a building a few blocks down. I grab the handle on the motorcycle and swing my legs over it and start it up.

Let me see if I can explain this kinda fast. I am a thief. I steal all the time not just from friends and teachers, people in general. I'm a pickpocket, break and enter (but only when truly have no choice.)I also stole everything I own literally everything. But fear not because I have a list of everything I ever stole and the address or person to whom it belonged.kinda like the show My Name Is Earl. Once I graduate and get a job and hopefully get through college I'm planning on returning what I took to the people I took it from. I drove to the school and found Max.

"Hey Max. Hows it going today?" I asked as I pulled into the lot and hopped off the bike and moved to the door to the gymnasium. Without turning around he said, "Good morning Easton. Go on ahead and help yourself to the showers."

"Thanks Max. I'll stay and help out after school let's out no practice today since we got a game tom." I said stepping into the door Max was holding open for me. The older man smiled and told me how its appreciated and that he's glad that not all us millennials are a bunch of whiney, opinionated (without really knowing anything), and selfish beings. He unlocked the locker room, storage room,coaches office, and finally the shower doors. I had snagged my hidden backpack on the way to school as well as the clothes I stole a few weeks ago.

I hop into the shower stall and turn the water on waiting for it to heat up. I showered quick and got dried and dressed. I pushed out into the locker area and started for the door. I heard a loud Bang. I jump there's usually never anyone here besides me and Max this early in the morning. Its only 5:20 a.m. I very slowly quiety tiptoe towards the last row of lockers.

   I very nervously peek around the edge. My eyes widen in shock as I saw none other than Gage West sitting on the bench with Jake (swears he hates gays and all things gay) dick in his mouth. I can't take my eyes away from the sight. I watch as he pushes it down Gages throat. I felt the blood rush to my face but I can't turn away just yet. I've not ever really talked to Gage alot but he was in a few of my classes. I've been kinda checking him out but from a distance, I didn't want to draw attention to myself. Being on sports teams me and Jake play both football and baseball together. Jake is kind of an asshole but he's an excellent player.  I never would have thought that he was gay considering he always talked like it was the most disgusting thing ever.  Another reason I never said anything to anyone and lowkey checked guys out. A low moan pulled me out of my head and I realized that I was still in the same spot. Jake was slowly thrusting his dick in and out of Gages mouth. "Yeah that feels good. Mmmmm loosen up that throat (smack on the face) take my whole cock in your mouth like the filthy bitch you are."

I almost as quietly and almost as quickly back away and run on tiptoe through the door and out into the gym. My head spinning trying  to figure out what the fuck I just saw was. After I got away a good ways I realized that I was hard. What is wrong with me I think to myself. Was jake using Gage? Why were they here today of all days no one ever comes to school this early in the morning. Did someone find out about me? Was Jake watching me trying to find something on me? I know we aren't the best of friends but I had always thought we were civil to each other. We have also had are squabbles. So many thoughts started running through my head. But the one that always came back to me was Gage. I don't know why but seeing him like that made me want him. I wanted to go back and grab him away from Jake and tell him he was mine. I have know idea what or why these thoughts and feelings are going through my head. 

I let out a groan as I try to figure it all out. I've never been so confused in my life.

"Fuck what is wrong with me." I ask no one in particular. I look down the hallway since the lights are on it's not nearly as eerie as when there are only a few lights on. There's a few papers littering the floor and some lockers had writing on them left over from the game. Go Titans Go!! one locker yelled out. The the silver and dark grey colors of the school in contrast with the white lettering on the locker. I make my way to my locker only to realize that I had left all my things in the locker room. Fuck me I hope they didn't see my things. I was now about to creep back and get my things from the locker room. I turn back down the silver and gray hallway, making my way back to the gym. My thoughts still circling around my head.

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