Victim 4?

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I could hear screaming further down the tunnel, crying,grunts and moans.
I was cold, tired, and very scared. I don't know how long I have been down here. I stopped counting after 3 weeks. I also know that it's only us teens both boys and girls. Several girls have been hauled out but haven't come back, the thought scares me. I try not to think about anything because I either end up crying or scared.

I hear the tunnel gate creak open. I try to huddle as far back into the corner I found as possible. I keep my head down and try to avoid eye contact.

"Get up." Was all he said. I kept my head down hoping that he wasn't talking to me. When I looked out of the corner of my eye without moving my head I couldn't see anyone else around. Suddenly I felt a fist in my hair yanking me to my feet.

"Ahhh, that hurts. Please let go." I begged. He didn't let go though he just pulled me along by my hair I was trying to keep up but my legs and butt where sore and numb from sitting on the hard cold concrete. I fell once and he just turned and threw me over his shoulder barely slowing down. We got to a room that was a little better lit. He threw my down onto a old hospital bed. I tried to sit up but he shoved me back hard and then strapped in my arms and then legs. I would've tried to fight but I was numb, weak and in pain fighting would've just hurt me worse. After strapping my legs down and together,he walked over to the side of me. The ripped my ragged shirt off and then tooks scissors and cut my pants off. Leaving just my bra and underwear. I was waiting for the worst I squeezed my eyes shut and just prayed it was over quickly. Just let it be quick and mostly painless but.. nothing happened. I opened my eyes when I heard a grunt and whimper from the left side. I looked over and saw a boy maybe 18 naked and lying on a bed like mine. He was also strapped down but his legs where pushed up into stirrups and strapped in. The guy was shoving his "part" in and out of the boys asshole. It made me sick. I was watching this poor boy get raped and couldn't even do anything to help. It brought tears to my eyes.

"I'm so sorry," I whisper to him. I closed my eyes and turned my head the other way and just tried to tune out the noise of the grunting and groaning that was happening.

"He likes the soft boys," I heard and looked back over at the boy. He had his eyes shut tight and tried not making any noise as the guy continued to pound his ass. The guy grabs the boys face and pulls it straight. "look at me when I fuck you. Look at how weak and pathetic you are." He grabs the boys dick in his hands and starts to jerk it. Now the boy is moaning and crying harder. The guy looks over at me and says, "see how pathetic he is, but he likes them soft it's better once they are broken." I had no idea what to say so I just turned away.

"Watch this!" He yells. I turn back to him just as the boy comes all over himself and the guys hand. He licks his hand and then swipes some off the boys stomach and grabs him by the chin and forces it into his mouth. I feel bile rising up into my throat and mouth. Not being able to swallow it I throw up all over the floor. This makes the guy laugh as he pounds the poor boy. When he almost finishes he walks up to the boys head and shoves his dick down the boys throat as he finishes after a couple of pumps. I throw up even more. I can't believe what I just saw. I'm still heaving as the guy walks over and just smiles down at me. I noticed that in different circumstances he isn't bad looking. But his eyes are terrifying they are as black obsidian and void of anything human.

"Are you ready to play now?"he asks me smirking the most evil smile I'd ever seen.  I shake my head trying to curl up and away. "Its time to feed him." He looks me over chills run down my spine.  " what part of your body to you like the least?" He looks at me waiting for an answer. I tell him my feet. He asks which I like the most. I tell him my eyes. Wondering  what he plans on doing  and why he is asking these questions. He gives me a really pretty broad grin and told me I did good. I watch as he steps out of the room for a minute to come back with a wheeled hospital tray full of instruments like you see in horror movies. My eyes widen in horror,"no,no,no ,nonononono..please" I beg as panic sets in. He pulls up a syringe and injects me with it. It burned through my veins like fire. After a few minutes I felt hot and sensitive like the breeze from an air duct felt like the wind off an ocean. Everything was so intense it had me distracted for a second, but only a second. I felt that first cut and it was so painful I can barely describe it. It was a hot burning pain I could feel my skin and muscle and bone being cut apart. I felt every fiber and tissue that was being cut open by the scalpel. I felt the blood as it rushed out the ends of the vessels and arteries. When he hit my ankle bone. It stopped for a second before I started feeling and hearing the should of the saw as it raked back and forth over the bone. I could feel the vibrations of the bone being cut all the way to my hip bone. I screamed and screamed till my voice was hoarse. He only laughed at me and told me it sounded like music to his ears and that I had a lovely voice. I never went numb and was not lucky to pass out either. I felt as he took both my feet. I felt as he took a hot clothing iron and cauterize and wrapped my now stubb's. He came up next to the bed and patted my hair and stroked it gently. He leaned down and gave my a kiss on the cheek. He smiled again. "My what lovely eyes you do have."

After that I could only hear my screams echo off the walls. I couldn't even shed anymore tears.

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