Meet and Greets

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Gage pov

I'm following Easton down the back alley way to a skate park where he says that him and Chelsea always meet up at on Saturdays if he doesn't come to the shelter on Friday's. The city isn't huge but its pretty decent sized. Around 100,000 people. Its the same as any other you have you ghetto,suburbs,you upper part of town the middle class. You also have the free shelter around for the homeless and the battered. I haven't been much in this part of town like ever. I'm not saying that I'm a spoiled rich kid but I definitely have a good and easy life. Before we came out here Easton took my by a place that he said was secret and dropped off all of his things except cell phone and changed his clothes. The clothes he had on now made him look like a gutter rat but I guess that was the point. But damn the boy still looked good. He also gave me a change in clothes said that if I didn't I'd more than likely get rolled, not really sure what that means but it doesn't sound good. The clothes where way to big and they didn't smell but they didn't seem clean either. I didnt protest though because I know nothing about the streets or the people. He warned me and lectured me about it but I insisted on coming anyway. I want to know, I want to know what this boy that I've been crushing on has been doing and how he's been living. I tug on his shirt bottom to get his attention.

"Yeah Gage?" He asks turning around when I don't say anything. He looks me up and down and I can see a frown on his face.

"Are you sure that your ok with me tagging along? I know it's kinda late now but I feel like I'm imposing on you. " I say quietly. He doesn't say anything for a minute. Then smiles lightly.

"Your fine Gage. Had I cared if you came I would've argued with you and told you no. Then I would've been gone before you knew what was happening so that you couldn't follow me. But you really don't look good in those clothes, they don't suit you. " he says and takes my hand pulling me along again. After a few more streets we arrive at a big skate park. There's brightly colored ramps and graffitied what looks like inground pools. Then there's a loud squeal and I hear someone running. I turn to see a tiny girl plow into Easton and they both fall to the ground.

"EASTON!!!" She yells and hugs him tight."Finally your back. I missed you. It's so boring when your not here!" He chuckles and hugs her back before moving her to the side to get up. I watch as he gets up and pulls her up off the ground. I notice how small she is maybe 5'2" very slim. She looks like a child from the back. But when she turns around my heart skips a beat, she looks like the picture that the newscaster showed of the dead girl. Now I know why Easton was so upset. I pull my jaw shut as they walk over to me. Easton has a smile on his face that I haven't seen before. It looks like home, relaxed comfortable, just at ease. He has his arm thrown over her shoulder and was whispering something in her ear while she giggled.

"Gage this is Chelsea, Chelsea this is Gage." Easton waved his hand between us as he introduced us.

"Hi, nice to meet you Gage." Chelsea said with a slight bow and both her hands at her side. Easton had explained to me that Chelsea was a germaphobe and loves anime and that's where she picked up the bowing.

"Nice to meet you too Chelsea." I bowed back.

She smiled a big smile. She was cute with brown hair, brown eyes and very tiny nose and mouth. Everything about this girl was small and childlike. "So how did you and Easton meet? Have you known him long? When did you learn the big secret? How old are you? Your not a stray are you? What's you plan for the future? What did East tell you about me? Are you hungry cause I'm starving. Let's go get some food Easton will pay this time and you can pay next time meanwhile I'll go find a nice pocket to pick." She didn't take a single breath in all that then she just grabbed my hand and pulled me along to follow her. I answered her questions as we walked and talked to her about herself. She was pleasant and sweet. I asked what picking a pocket meant and she explained it was to steal someone's wallet or whatever else they had in their pocket or purse. She laughed at my lack of street knowledge. But she says it was a good thing.

"So East, when did you and Gage finally get together? I'm glad that you did. Only took like forever." She turned looking at Easton over her shoulder as she continued to pull me along. I heard him groan and make a choking noise. I looked back and seen his face the shade of a tomato and pounding on his chest like he'd swallowed something wrong. I smirked a mischievous grin at him and raised my eyebrows. I was going to have to question him about this later. He mumbled a shut up I don't know what your talking about at her.

We get to this tiny little diner that's in the grubbiest building I've ever seen that has a place to eat in it. I falter for a second thinking twice about going in when Easton takes my other hand and tells me it's ok they have amazing food and i won't get food poisoning from it.

"I trust you on this but if i get sick I'm kicking your ass East." I tell him before reluctantly allowing to be pulled along. We get inside and its clean like super clean. It's got nice furniture the kitchen is like a diner you can see partially into it. An old man comes out from the back and looks over at us. He sees Chelsea and smiles wide.

"How's my little girl?" He asks as she runs over and throws her arms around his neck. "I'm good Antonio, how are you. I see your still kicking. Hows Romaro?" She asks letting go and stepping back. As they start talking I feel my hand still in Easton's and smile a little liking the warmth of his hand and how much bigger it is then mine. He notices and just smiles at me then nods over to a booth and we make our way over there still holding hands. The whole place is booths no open tables which gives the place a very intimate and private feel. The dark woods and deep red of the benches is nice with the not to dim lighting over each table. Easton pulls me down next to him and I slide into the booth. Its comfortable the booth having extra cushion makes it a little bouncy. Chelsea comes over and slides in across from us and Antonio follows with a couple of menus. He looks at me.

"Haven't seen you around here before, you new or just a visitor?" He asks me with a neutral tone.

"Well I'm just visiting, but I'm hoping to have a couple of reasons to visit more often." I tell him as I look over at Chelsea and keep my eyes on Easton a little longer so he knows the main reason I'm visiting. "Plus I have a feeling that things will be a little more interesting here than at home with boring people." I smile at him.

"Good good, these are good kids. And don't need more newbies or bad visitors." He says. He takes our drink orders and heads back to the kitchen. He come back a few minutes later with our drinks.

"Sir, what do you mean by bad visitors?" As soon as the question leaves me lips Chelsea cringes and Easton looks down and off to the side. Did I ask the wrong thing?

" I know you're not from around here well this part of town anyway. But there is alot that goes on in the dark that people choose to ignore. But it's not something to worry your pretty head over. Just watch around you'll see and I know Easton and Chelsea will protect you." Antonio says and pats my shoulder. Maybe I'll ask them about it later. I look over the menu and order my food as everyone else orders theirs. I follow Antonio as he goes to put the orders in and tell him to double theirs and I slip him the money to pay for it. There way no way I was letting anyone else pay for today or this weekend.

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