New beginning

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Gage's pov

I'm pretty sure my jaw was hanging on the floor from the shock of what I just heard. I shook my head and slapped my cheek just to make sure I was still in reality and not some messed up and warped dream. Kevin gives me a look like I'm slightly crazy. "Jake as in the asshole down on the field right now playing football? That Jake?" I may have slightly stuttered through that.

"Yep the one. I seen him talking to you, when I first met Easton he came over to the group I was with. Easton is hot to though, damn your lucky to have a school full of hot guys. But I seen the way Easton was looking at you so I figured that he has feelings. Even though he said he was single. But when I got a look at Jake I just knew he would be fun to break. I like my guys a little alpha if you get my drift." Kevin was looking at the field with a longing look in his eyes. Watching as the boys ran plays and tackled each other.

I started to get an idea in my head. "Hey I know that Easton said he was gonna show you around today but how would you like to come over to my house this evening, Jake's going to be there. We are gonna hang out and it would be good opportunity for you to get to know him." Kevin turns to look at me. I smile hoping with everything that he says yes.

Instead he stands up and climbs up the bleachers turns and looks back at me. Then leans down and grabs my hand pulling me out of my seat and after him. I holler at Jessie that we will be right back. She just waves her hand not caring while she yells encouragement to Easton. Once we get out of earshot he stops and looks at me.

"Sorry but I want to ask you a few questions and i wasn't sure how comfortable you are talking about things in front of Jessie," he tells me with a look that says he doesn't want to ask but its been bugging him so he is going to ask anyway. "What is going on between you, Easton, and Jake? Are you being pushed into things by them. I'm sorry but when I seen you and Jake talking I could see how uncomfortable you were. I also heard you telling Easton that you don't know what you are going to do about him. I wasn't trying to eavesdrop. Do you need my help? I know you don't know me but I do like Easton he's a great guy and he likes you so I want to get to know you too." He rambles barely taking a breath the whole time. When he finally finishes he just looks at me then the ground with a slight blush across his cheeks.

I stare at him for a few seconds wondering can I trust him? Should I? When he looks back at me I can see on his face just honest intentions. I don't see anything that sends any red flags. After a few more seconds, before he opens his mouth I tell him "ok". He looks at me expectantly waiting for what I have to say.

" First I have to know something and I want you to answer me honestly because if I hear anything or see anything other than complete honesty. I won't tell you anything period. Not that I have a real reason to now because I don't, but for some reason I think you might be able to help me and Easton." I look him in the eye and he nods eagerly. "How do you feel about the LGBTQ+? Or rather if it's people you may know or meet?"

" I don't think anything about it, people are people, we all bleed the same regardless of what others may think. I think personality is more important. I don't judge anyone it isn't my job too." He tells me keeping eye contact the whole time and he was completely honest. I take a deep breath and just as I was about to tell him we hear shuffling and looking over I see Jake coming towards me. My eyes open wide and I can see that he's angry for some reason. He comes over and grabs my arm and pushes me against the wall and leans down.

"Are you just trying to piss me off, do you want me to really want me to punish you that bad?" He quietly whispered in my ear. " why are you here with another boy. Isn't it enough that I let you and your pretty boy Easton play around but now you're with another one?" He pulls back just inches from my face.

Ok now I'm pissed I'm so sick of his shit and trying to push me around. I get in his face our noses almost touching. "Fuck off Jake you don't own me. We aren't together and I don't owe you shit. As far as Easton goes leave him alone. I fucking mean it Jake. Why don't you find a guy who really likes you instead of trying to force me to be with you. I know you don't really want me and you know I don't like you. I was only putting up with you for my brother's sake but now that he knows everything he told me I don't have to protect him. So just go and find someone else." I look over his shoulder to see Kevin there looking at us with a worried look. "Like Kevin over there I heard from a little bird he's got a crush on you."

I pull back and look Jake in the eyes and what I see makes me feel a little bit guilty but it had to be said. His eyes flick through several emotions in seconds. Angry,worried, sad, guilt all flash across his face and then he looks me in the eye and says something so completely bizarre that it startles me. "I'm sorry Gage I never meant to force anything on you, I got carried away. I really do like you though I have for awhile. I dont know what it is but there is something about you that just makes me want to take you. I never should have done what I have though. I'm pathetic, a peice of shit human being. God fuck I'm sorry," his voice raises a little bit as he talks. I can hear the genuine emotion in his voice and the honesty in his words. He looks around at me and shifts on his feet and when he finally looks at me I can see the tears in his eyes that he's trying to keep from falling. It breaks my heart a little.

I take Jake's hand and I pull it up between us and rub circles on it with my thumb. I try thinking of what I want to say and how I say it but I just can't find how. So I just say what my heart tells me too and leave my brain out of it. I put my hand on Jake's cheek and turn his head so he's looking at me. "Look Jake, I'm sorry too I shouldn't have let any of this get the way it did I should've just kicked your ass instead of playing with you." I smile at him and he smiles back. "But for real we can be friends and we can still hang out and stuff. Hey Kevin needs someone to show him around and stuff since he's new here, why don't you do that?"

Jake looks around at Kevin and flinches like he's just now realizing that he's there. Kevin gives him an awkward smile and wave. "Hey Kevin," I wave him over. He walks over and stands next to Jake. "Jake here says that he will show you around town. This will give you a chance to get acquainted and you can talk about maybe joining the football team."

"Would that be ok with you Jake, I mean if you don't want to Easton is." Jake cuts him off. "No it's fine I'll take you. Let me go get showered and changed then we can go." Jake takes off to the locker room and I let out a chuckle as I watch him take off in a hurry. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders and I let out a breath of relief. I'm thankful that it went so easy but I'm still kind of weary. How did Jake know all that stuff guess I'll have to ask him another day. Was he really going to let me go that easily, I really hope so.

"Gage? Earth to Gage. You ok dude?" He's waving his hand in front of my face. "You spaced out. Do you want to talk to me still or do you want to have the conversation some other time?" He still concerned about me and it was sweet. I give him a real full on Gage smile. I grab his hands and starts shaking them up and down while I bounce and squeal. "Yes! I'm ok I'm so happy for you! Your going on a date with Jake you must be super happy right now. Whoop going on a date with your crush!" I stop bouncing when I see that he doesn't seem that excited. I look at him questionably.

"I'm sorry I've just never seen you seen you smile like that before. Now I see why the guys go crazy over you." My smile drops off my face and I feel the blush forming. "Gage I wasn't saying that to make you stop I was just saying your gorgeous when you smile and it took me by suprise is all. I still very very much like Jake and yes I'm super excited to go out on the town with him." He tells me genuinely. As Jake comes back with his bags Easton following along behind him stops and looks at all of us. Jake walks over and smiles at Kevin.

"I just realized that we haven't formally been introduced yet so my names Jake it's nice to meet you. Sorry for having to witness all this" he swings his arm around in a circle between himself and I.

"It's nice to meet you Jake, I'm kevin. And all off this," he copies Jake's movements, " is fine. No worries I just hope that we can all become good friends." He smiles at Jake and man that boy is pretty when he smiles. Jake stares at him for a second before smiling back. "You ready to go Kevin?" But before they can walk off I tug on Jake's shirt. He turns around and looks at me, "just be yourself and don't try to manipulate him. And don't hurt him or I will hurt you Ok." I poke him once lightly in the chest and smile at him. Before I knew what was happening he pulled me in for a super tight hug and then let me go he smiled then grabbed Kevin's hand and went to Jake's car.

I turn and walk back over to Easton. Will you come to my house today?

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