chapter 24

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  Eastons pov

  There has been a heavy load taken off my chest when I told Gage my history. I've only really skimmed over it before. Maybe he was my savior to keep from drowning in the past. I've looked everywhere for Chelsea but I couldn't find her. It's been 4 days now and I've missed school to search all the places that she could be or would be. I cried alot I feel almost empty. Gage is the only one besides Jessie that has kept me going. Apparently she had found out about my situation, I'm guessing Gage may have said or asked something, but I don't care at this point. I wasn't mad about it either. I've known Jessie for years, she was pissed off at me for haven hidden all of this from her for so long. I've always told her that my parents were never around and made up stories about business trips and such when I had stayed the night. Jessie had just went along with it for so long I guess she just got into a habit of believing me.

  Currently I was at Gage's house. It was Tuesday morning and we were getting ready for school. I was still in my own head my thoughts a continuous downward spiral. I blamed myself for her being taken. I should have been there for her. I should have taught her better. I should have taught her to fight and defend herself. I was stupid of me. I was such an idiot. I was a self involved prick who doesn't deserve any of the good things that happened to me. If I couldn't protect Chelsea how was I going to protect Gage? He was better off without me. I'm going to disappear after school. I won't come back. I won't be a burden or let down to anyone else again.

  I had packed up all the things I had left at Gages house and stuffed them into my backpack. I left the Letterman jacket and a hoodie behind. If he wants he can burn them with how he's going to hate me when I leave. It breaks me a little to think that he will hate me. No it hurts alot I won't lie about it. As I'm stuck in my head thinking all of these negative thoughts, I didn't notice Gage standing just outside of the bedroom watching. A small smile on his face. 

I headed downstairs and into the kitchen I saw Gage getting the last of the toast buttered, laying it on the plates with the eggs and hashbrowns.

  "Hey meine leibling how are you holding up this morning?" Gage asked as he turned around and saw me getting into the stool by the bar. Gage walks around and slides his arms around me before kissing my cheek. I grab him and slide him over my lap before kissing him like it'll be the last time. Which it will be today I'm breaking my promise and leaving him. I'm running away just as he asked me not to do. My body pangs with guilt and it's hard to look into his eyes after the kiss.

Before I get a chance to answer him though his phone buzzes with a message to turn on the news channel. We walk into the livingroom and turn the tv on. The local new is running the story of a body found in a dumpster.

"Today we have a tragic story of a body found late last night in a dumpster behind the Bargain Barn. The body was reported to have been found by a homeless man they call "Dumpster Joe" he is currently being detained for questioning at the local police station. According to the officer the man was crying saying he didn't do it, he would never hurt Chelsea. Apparently the name of the girl that was found.... my blood ran cold, I could feel it draining from my face, my ears stayed ringing louder and louder. My brain went numb for a few seconds as it tried to process what I just heard. Suddenly everything came back full force, my head felt hot and heavy, everything sounded so loud on my ears. Air slammed back into my lungs as I didnt even realized that I hadn't been breathing.

  Gage caught me before I hit the ground. I landed hard on my knees. I looked at Gage as he stepped in front of me. He got down on his knees with me and hugged me tight. He held me like that until, some form of something came back to me and I told him I was ok now. Gage shook his head and told me that he can't believe it. Suddenly a loud pang comes from the tv as the news comes back on, telling us that there was a further update on the body. "We are looking for a person named Easton. According to Mrs. Alverson performing the autopsy. A note was found saying and I quote, " I never got to tell Easton goodbye or that I loved him. Let the boy know that she was amazing. Such a strong beautiful kill. She was my very best." Gage had been looking at me and holding me the entire time but upon hearing this he sprung up and grabbed my arm pulling me up and taking me to the car. I'm numb, utterly numb. That is until we get to the police station. As look up at the building, my anger rises until I'm raging. Not at the officers, not at anyone but the killer.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2019 ⏰

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