Quiet secrets

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I got out of there with my head spinning. Those two together? What? Ok ok ok... so Jake is closet gay? What the hell. He just beat the shit out of a kid not to long ago because he stared at him for to long and it gave him "nasty gay vibes." Ok I was definitely not going to say anything to anyone about what I saw. Gonna act like it never happened. I have four months left of this bullshit life and I'll be out of here. I do NOT need this drama shit now. I was down the hall and to my locker when I realized that all my stuff was still in the locker room. FUCK... maybe I can just walk in there casually and avoid like nothing's up just grab my stuff and go. Yeah that should be easy enough.

I turn and walk back down the hallway slowly. Maybe give it a bit before I get there and they will be gone and maybe they won't see my stuff there and all will be ok. Who am I kidding like it would be that easy. Your a fucking dumbass East. You know things never go the way you want. Please please please just let no one be there when I get there. I keep telling myself. I'm slightly agitated with myself and everything the more I thought about it. I try settling myself down before I go in.

I pushed open the locker room door. Not quietly so that it would seem like I had just got there. I stood still for a minute after the door slammed shut behind me. I couldn't hear anything. Good maybe they are both gone.  I reached down and grabbed the straps of my bag and started throwing my dirty clothes in.

"Nice ass, its even cuter when you try to sneak away." A voice behind me said quietly.

I jumped I hadn't heard any movement in the locker room so how the hell did I miss him. " I dont know what your talking about dude and don't say shit about my ass." I mouthed back, hoping I didn't sound as scared and nervous as i was. A blush crept into my cheeks and I was secretly happy he liked my ass. What the heck is wrong with me seriously I need to get a grip.

" Oh ok so it wasn't you that was sneak peaking around the locker while Jake was getting his payment so that I don't get the living hell beat out of me by him and his fucktard friends?" Gage asked my quietly while he took a couple of steps closer. " you know Jake acts all homophobic but really hes just in the closet. He's always trying to get in my pants." Gage is getting closer while he talks, I back up against the lockers. I may be bigger and stronger than him but this is one of the weirdest situations I've ever been in, and I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do. I wanted to grab him and ask him why he did those things, that he could just find a good guy to protect him. That I would protect him. That je didn't have to do those kinds of things. But I couldn't tell him any of that. Instead I took a breath and looked around like a trapped animal while Gage got closer.

  That was until I realized he had a smirk on his face and was chuckling quietly. " Holy Shit East you look like your about to piss your pants. Don't worry I'm not going to do anything to you. Damn I may be gay but that doesnt mean I want to fuck every guy I see." He laughs and stares at me. I finally stop fidgeting and look at him. I'll have to say he was gorgeous. His strawberry blond hair with the most fascinating hazel eyes I'd ever seen. They were a kaleidoscope of colors. Mostly teal with greens,golds, and chocolate brown flakes. It was hard to look away. He's got a nicely shaped nose with a slight dent where it had been broken once I assume. His face is round but not fat. His lips are full and the bottom one is slightly pouty. Looking at his chest and arms you could tell he works out. He was dressed nicely but with a little emo flair to it.

  "Hey Easton, you never answered me." Gage said a little louder dragging me out of my daze. I quickly try to put my neutral face on and lie the best I could. I tell him, "no Gage that wasn't me. I don't have any idea what your talking about nor do I give a fuck. There's 4 months left of school I just want to graduate and get the fuck up outta here. Whatever is between you and Jake keep it there because I don't give a shit either way. Now if you'll excuse me I have stuff I have to get done and then classes to attened." I finished as I just got done making sure I had all in my bag before turning and high tailing it outta there. I felt bad for being so harsh. But I really can't let this get in the way of the things I have planned. I need to stay focused as much as possible but out of nowhere this boy has my attention and it scares me.

As I got further down the hall I glanced over my shoulder to see Gage standing there with his arms across his chest and a smile on his face as he watched me walk away. Damn that boy is hot. I had a feeling that this was going to be a long and weird day. Why why couldn't it just stay peaceful for the last few months.

Gage's pov.

I told Jake to meet me here at 5AM. I knew that Easton would be here and I wanted him to catch us. I was bored I was sooo bored with Everything. I had the great idea to mess with someone who looked like they would be easy to play with. Stave off the boredom. I had been watching Easton for awhile now the last couple of months. I've actually had a crush on him for years but I really wasn't to mess with him the last bit of school. I also noticed  that he's been looking at me too. He was hot totally my type. He had dark chocolate brown hair and the deepest green eyes that could stare into your soul. His face was hearth shaped and he had the most kissable looking lips. They where heatshaped and thin but pouty. His skin was tanned from sports. He had the body of a wonderfully sculpted statue. It wasn't to bulking but slim and textured with the contours of his muscles. I would watch him in class and the cafeteria. He talked to alot of people but it seems only one that ever stayed around longer than a conversation was a girl named Jessie. I knew Jessie forever to we have a good friendship going so I figured I could get her to help me out with Easton. I know he's gay because he's never dated any girls, his excuse being he needs to focus on school but I've seen the way he looks at me and other guys. There's a longing there, now I just need to get him to act on it. Maybe then all those girls will leave him alone.

"Come on Jake hurry up," it was chilly out and I wanted to get this done with. Jake I can't stand him but I have to keep him quiet I have to do it for him.

" I'm here don't get your panties in a bunch queerbait," he said while grabbing my hand and dragging me to the locker room.

"Don't call me that asshat. Besides your the closet queer so watch what you say."  I mouth back and before I have time to do anything he swings me around and pushes me into the locker. He pushes me into the locker as he slams his lips on mine kissing me hard. He bites my lip hard and I open my mouth as he crams his tongue down my throat. Its repulsive. I push him back and slide my hand down his pants just to feel that he's hard already.

"Damn doesn't take you long does it." I smirk at him and start pumping him in his pants. Then I pulls my head back to his and kisses me while I unbutton his pants and pull his cock out. I push him back and sit on the bench as I slowly take his cock into my mouth. I hear a quiet moan and then feel him slowly start to thrust in and out of my mouth. He mumbles something I can't quiet hear as I try to tune out what's going on. I tell myself over and over this is to keep him safe. To keep him safe. I've even try to think of this as Easton but it doesn't work. I want to taste him and have him without ruining my image of him. I catch movement out of the corner of my eye and see Easton peeking around the corner of the locker.  I pretend I don't see him and lookup to see Jake has his eyes closed and doesn't see either.  When I look back he's gone. Jake starts thrusting harder and faster finishing in the back of my throat. It the most disgusting and vile thing anyone has ever done.  I slam my fist into his stomach " who the fuck said that you could cum in my mouth you nasty motherfucker!!" I slap Jake across the face and turn to leave. My arm was yanked back hard then jerked up behind my back.

"Next time I wont let you off with just a blow job. Next time I'm going to take your ass you filthy whore." Jake says sliding his hands over my ass. I squirm and fight but he out weighs me by a good 60lbs and is taller than me by half a foot standing at 6'3". He let's my go and shoves me away. "Just remember Gage I own you. " he says as he walks out of the locker room.

  Fuck he pisses me off I can't stand him. But I'm glad Easton saw like I wanted him too. Maybe now he will start thinking of me. Just the thought of him touching me makes me want him in all the bad ways. Now I just have to get my plan into motion.

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