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Gage's pov

I had just finished changing in the bathroom and was heading back towards the den, when I step around the corner I hear light sobbing. I freeze for a second before stepping around the corner and seeing Easton with his head against his knees rocking back and forth. I can hear him barely whisper, "thank God it's not her, thank God it's not her," on repeat. I was wondering what he was talking about and then turned my attention to the news. On the t.v. they showed a picture of a girl and was saying how she had been murdered. She was the 3rd victim and a runaway teen. I looked over at Easton he hadn't realized I had walked into the room. Does he know this girl? I think to myself. I walk over the rest of the way and lay a gentle hand on his shoulder.

" Are you ok Easton?" I ask quietly trying not to startle him, and fail. He jumps from my touch but doesn't move away. He slowly looks up at me before doing something I wasn't prepared for. He grabs my hand off his shoulder and yanks me down into his arms. His face is now in my neck and his arms around me. My face grows hot and I start to think stupid thoughts when he sobs in my ear quietly. I put my arms around him and hug him back.

"It wasn't her,Gage, thank God it wasn't her." He whispers quietly. I can feel his breathing start to even out a little and push him back so I can look at his face.

" Thank God it wasn't who Easton?" I ask him. My face inches from his and I can see the red in his eyes and the tear tracks down his face. I can see a light dusting of freckles I've never noticed before. Even with him crying I thought he was absolutely gorgeous. It makes me want to make him cry for a whole another reason, but I'll save those thoughts for later. Sadly after a few seconds of looking at me with watery eye he pulls back farther.

"I-I-I..." he looks at me hard for a minute before he asks me, " if I tell you something can you swear absolute secrecy from anyone and I mean anyone?"

I stare at him for a second and tell him " yeah of course I can, you can tell me anything "

He sits there minutes longer before letting out a breath and looking at me, his face is serious, " I'm homeless." Those two words was all he said. He looked at me waiting for my reaction. Of course I didn't believe it I mean come on how do you get to where he was at, with the stuff he had being homeless. I asked him such.  His reply was simple, "I stole it all. Everything."

"Easton this isn't a joke I really do care and worry. What had you so upset and crying?" I grab his hand and hold it. He doesn't pull back but gently tightens his grip on it. Again he's silent for a bit, I wait wanting to be patient and not rush him. He slowly starts with what he remembers and tells me the story that leads up to this day. I listen and I talk when he wants me to reply or when he says something outrageous and tell  him otherwise.  After he finishes I finally understand why he was crying. The girl on the t.v. had been a really good friend of his and a girl named Chelsea.  She would hang out with them all the time and bring food or clothes for Chelsea. She had accepted them as they where and they became really close.  She had disappeared one day after she had left them to go home as they went to the shelter. She hadn't shown up the next day nor the next. After about a month they had figured that maybe she got grounded or had moved but it turns out apparently she had been taken and now murdered. 

My head spun from shock and just everything there was a so much to take in. I mean wow. I looked at this boy I was sitting by again and just realized as much as I thought I knew was nothing compared to what I didn't know. All I knew was that he was strong and courageous. Just as I was about to tell him such he pulled his hand back and said, " And please dont breath a word of this to your boyfriend, I'm just trying to make it to graduation without drama at school."

"Boyfriend, what? I dont have a boyfriend. Secondly I know how to keep a secret. Thirdly I like someone alot, like so much I want to just kiss them right now and make them feel better." I finish smiling at him and hoping he takes the hint. 

He turns towards me his eyes are slightly widened from my statement. "Gage, Jake claims you. Plus I'm straight." He tells me as a blush creeps over his neck up to his ears. Gosh this boy makes my heart race. I lean forward and take his face in both my hands. I lightly kiss him, no tongue or slobber just a longer than normal peck on the lips. He doesn't try to pull back or anything. When I let him go his eyes are wide open and his mouth falls open as well.

"Jake isn't shit to me accept a bully. I already told you about him. I like you,  I want you. And as for you being straight, no your not. " was all I said. He looks at me again and pulls my collar pushing his lips on mine this time taking control as he nips my bottom lip so that I gasped and open my mouth.  He kisses me like it's the end of the world and he's only got one chance to show me everything in this kiss. It was the best kiss of my life. When he finally pulled back we where both breathing hard and flushed.

" Sorry" he tells me "your just so pretty and nice. I never talked to you much just because all the things I've heard about you. So I thought avoidance was best. Then specially when Jake tried to kill me on the field this afternoon because he thought that I had something for you I guess. Damn it. Sorry now I'm rambling." He shoves his hand into his hair and pulls before pushing it the rest of the way through.

I giggle, who knew this guy was so cute. Oh wait I did that's why I like him so much. You can see all the innocent things about him if you look behind the mask of the calm collected jock.

"Its ok, can I ask a favor though," I look at him slightly out of the corner of my eye. Sure he says ask whatever. " Can I meet this Chelsea chick and hang out on the weekend with you guys sometime? I really would like to get to know you and everything about you Easton. I've had quiet a crush on you for years." I smile shyly at him as I feel myself turn red. He just stares at me with a frightened awed expression.  It was adorable the way his mouth hung open and he turned the reddest I've ever seen another human get. I was waiting for him to start steaming from the ears.

"Um sure, you can." Was all he said. I was so happy that he was allowing me into his secret life. I felt special. I wanted to kiss him again and just fuck I have to control myself. I mentally slap away all the dirty thoughts in my head as I move away from him a bit. I stay close but not so close that its awkward. We ended up changing the channel and watching some black and white show I think it was called The Twilight Zone. We talked about all kinds of things as the night went on and we watched t.v.

  At about 11 Mrs.Jameson came in to check on us and smiled as she saw Easton was propped up against me stretched out on the couch. She left and came back a few minutes later with a blanket and covered Easton up then she also gave me a blanket and pillow and told me that lights out where at 12, and asked if I needed anything. I replied no and she smiled, nodded and headed out the door. I woke Easton up and shuffled around to a more comfortable position. I now had the pillow under my head and was stretched out on the couch with Easton between my legs and head on my chest. He fell back asleep with no protest and wrapped around me like I was a teddy bear.

  The next morning we were woke up by Jessie telling us to get dressed and ready for school. Easton shot up when he realized the position we were in and turned the brightest shade of red yet.

"I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have done that. Are you ok? Did I make your back hurt or neck or anything making you sleep like that. God I'm sorry." He mumbled with his head down. Damn this boy just doesn't stop with the cuteness I'm going to be in alot of trouble. 

  "Easton calm down I am fine. Besides if i wasn't comfortable I could just have rolled your ass off in the floor." I laugh at him as he just nods.

  Jessie come back in and yells at us to move our asses that her mom had breakfast ready. Easton stays in the den and changes as I run into the bathroom and put my clothes on. When I come out Easton is walking past with the blankets and pillows neatly folded and puts the in the hall closet. We go to the kitchen and eat at the bar. Then we gather out things and head off to school.

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