Get over it

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Eastons pov

Great Jake was glaring at me like I had done something. I rolled my eyes, "what Jake?"

"Why where you over at Gage's house today? I saw your bike in the drive. I can't believe that I trusted you." He tells me with a disgusted sneer on his face while he glared at me. I looked at him like he was the biggest idiot on the planet.

"Seriously how do you get that from just seeing my bike? We have an art project that we got paired up together for, dumbass. That's it. So don't jump to stupid conclusions it makes you look stupid." I told him with a long sigh. "Your jealousy is unbearable,you know that's its amazing anyone can put up with you being like this."

He looks at me like he's fixing to punch me. I'm ready I wait looking at him with a bored face while he sorts out his thoughts.

"You told me that you guys don't talk alot, but now suddenly you have an art project together. Kinda fitting with the timing and all." He says still not believing me.

"Go ask the teacher then, I'm sure she'll be out in the stands since she is a huge football fan. She'll tell you. But for real Jake this has got to stop. How can you be so obsessed that you've turned into a stalker. Its crazy. Come out of the closet and just tell everyone you're gay. Who gives a fuck what others think about you, it's not their business what or who you see. If they don't like it then they aren't your friends in the first place. " I tell him in a low voice so no one else hears as we change into our uniforms. I feel slightly guilty for kissing Gage, but really he tells me that Jake's just bullying him and the reason behind it. But it really does seem like Jake likes Gage not just to bully but likes him.

"Ok man I'm sorry." He runs his hand through his hair and sighs. " I know I have jealousy issues, I know I can trust you. Like I said before it's just hard I don't know why. I am not gay I told you that its only Gage I like. He's the only MALE I want. It's just confusing." He tells me. I can see he's thought about it alot. There's a tiredness in his voice like he can't figure it out himself. I do feel slightly more guilt but I keep it pushed down and keep on my neutral face.  I also feel bad about giving him advice that even I can't do myself.

"It's ok dude. I understand well sorta. But you've got to stop bullying him for real. If you want him to like you be nice talk to him.  Ask him to hangout. Your not in elementary school anymore. Act like an adult." I say as I turn to leave the locker room. I don't know why I'm helping Jake out. Maybe because I know that I'm not good enough for Gage. Or maybe the guilt I feel for the kisses? I'm not sure. He nods and follows me out.

The game ended and we lost. I say that the refs where being biased but oh well it was only by a few points. Next time we will kick ass. It's just startup games. After a quick shower and getting my stuff together I head out into the parking lot where Gage is waiting on me.

"Your game was shit," he laughs as I get closer to him. He has a huge smile on his face as he teases me about the game. When suddenly he quits talking and steps more inline with me. I turn to see what hes frowning at when I feel an elbow on my shoulder and see Jake leaning over on me.

"What's up Jake?" I ask. Pushing his elbow off my shoulder. I look at him as he smiles at Gage. He looks at me and winks. He asks if he can talk to Gage for a minute in private. I look at Gage he tells me it's ok. I nod and walk over to a group of kids that hang around us sometimes and ask them how it's going. I notice one boy in particular that keeps giving me looks. I ask him what his name is. He says its Kevin.

"Nice to meet you Kevin. I'm Easton. Are you new?" I ask trying to be nice. Hes pretty cute probably around 5'9" had curly chocolate colored hair and pretty honey colored eyes. Hes got a full mouth and lips that look good enough to suck on. Damn I need to keep my thoughts in check.  But he really is cute and the way he looks at me. Maybe he's gay too. If so then I could try and see if he's interested. Maybe this way I can slowly keep myself away from Gage and getting anymore involved between him and Jake.  I'll have to make sure that I keep my secret safe.

"Yeah I just moved here a couple of weeks ago. We don't have any classes together though so that may be why you haven't seen me or I, you." He moved over to me so we could talk without having to be loud. "Cause I know I wouldn't have missed such a hot guy in any of my classes." He smiles at me. He's really cute when he smiles, those dimples though damn. He giggles when he sees my face, with my mouth hung open in shock. No one has ever been that forward with me except Gage. Crap Gage. I turn and see he's arguing with Jake quietly. I turn back to Kevin.

" You don't happen to be seeing anyone are you?" Kevin asks looking over at Gage and Jake.

"No, I'm not," I tell him. My feelings for Gage have to go away. I don't need this before I graduate and get out of this hellhole. I could use a cute distraction and keep Gage at a distance, as just friends no more kissing or anything. "Are you interested in someone? I know pretty much everyone let you know if they are available or not." I smile at him. I know it was kinda beating around the Bush to see if he was interested in me but hey I can't just outright ask. I dont even know the guy that well.

"Well I wasn't interested in anyone up till a few minutes ago. But I think I've seen someone now. I think he said his name was Easton. And that he would love to show me around sometime. Maybe even dinner and a movie?" He had a big smile on his face as he winked at me. I blushed. Yes ladies and Gentlemen I Easton full on blushed. I have never had anyone ask me out like that or talk like that. Except Gage. Damn why does he keep popping up in my thoughts. Got to get rid of this.

"Well first off I know he's single, second it depends on what movie. But dinner is always good." I tell him. He laughs and we talk about more about our interests apparently we have alot in common. I feel a tug on my sleeve and look over to see a teary eyed Gage looking down. He asks if we can go now. I look over at Kevin and tell him I'll catch him Monday at school.  I throw my arm across Gages shoulder and pull him close to me as we walk back to my bike. I lean down and whisper into his ear that it's going to be alright. I push the helmet on his head.

We get back to Gages house and go to his room. He immediately turns and hugs me tight and cries. I hug him back and walk him over to his bed and pull him down on it with me. I put his head on my shoulder and pulled him to me and just let him cry. When he finally calmed down he tells me everything about him and Jake.

"I'm sorry that I didn't tell you sooner. I should've been completely honest from the beginning. I don't know if I want to try to be with Jake. I've had a biggest crush on you since 6th grade. But I dont know how else to get rid of him. I don't like him like that I never have. God this is so complicated. Easton do you have any ideas to help me out of this?" He asks through sobs and whimpers.

I have an idea I tell him. Ok so maybe I can't let Gage go so easily. Fuck my life.

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