New Possibilities

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Easton POV

After school Friday I got my things from my locker and went to the front of the building to wait for Gage. I was going to his house till the game then I'd stay the night and we would leave for the meetup with Chelsea tomorrow afternoon. I don't know what came over me to tell Gage anything. Maybe I felt the need to confess to someone and he just happened to be there. I don't really know and as much as I regretted telling him anything I'm also kind of relieved.  I looked out at the kids leaving the building shuffling down the stairs and to their cars and buses. I felt a hand land on my shoulder. I looked over to see Gage smiling at me excitedly.

"Gonna give me a ride on that bike of yours?" He asked wiggling his eyebrows and grinning wider.

"Nope, you can walk," I tell him and start to head off internally laughing at the look on his face that said I cannot believe you just said no,look.

"W-w-what why not! I thought you'd at least give me a ride. Come on man why not I prom." I cut him off by turning around and clamping my hand over his mouth.

"Calm down man. Sheesh yes I'll give you a ride dumbass I was only joking. But stop drawing so much attention I really don't want Jake on my ass again, okay." I pull my hand away and notice that he has that stupid grin back on his face. I just shake my head and walk towards the lot where my bike was at. I hand him the extra helmet I brought with me and got on and waited for him to climb on behind me. I felt the bike bounce a little as he sat down and then his arms around my waist.

"Ready?" I yelled back to him. I didnt hear his response but felt the helmet move up and down in a yes motion. "Hang on." I started the bike and shifted into gear and headed out slow at first letting him get the feel on how to move and all. After a few minutes of driving around the lot, I sped up and headed onto the road. I knew how to get to Gages house I'd seen it a few times but haven't actually been there. We get there after a few minutes. As Gage climbs off the bike I can see him quickly adjust himself in his pants. I laugh lightly at him. I take my helmet off and grin a shit eating grin at him.

"Give you a stiff one did it, maybe I shouldn't let you back on after that. I don't wanna drive down the road with something poking me the whole time," I tease him. I get a glare and a shut up. I look at him and he blushes a light red. We head into his house, he says his parents aren't ever home. The insides nice tidy, a few family pics are here and there but nothing that says hey this is a home. We head to Gages room and he closes the door behind me.  He smiles as he puts his hand on my chest and get on tip toe and kisses me. It was just a quick peck but the sparks where there. I don't know what it is that causes this but it's not happened with any of the other people I've been with. As he started pulling away I grabbed his face and pulled him back kissing him harder. The shock causes his lips to part and I push my tongue in and explore his mouth. He started kissing me back fighting for dominance. He finally gives up and let's me have my way. Pulling back panting I look at his flushed face and smile because I know that further down that he's going to need to readjust himself again. I start looking around his room it's simple a few band posters adorn the wall as well as a few family photos. Other pictures are hung on murals around the room. His closest door is entirely mirrored. I laughed as I looked at myself in the mirror.

"Well now we know what a pervert you really are. You enjoy watching yourself with whoever's in your bed at the time?" I give him a playful grin. He just rolls his eyes and tells me to fuck off.

"Don't you need to get ready for the game tonight?" He asks.

"Yeah I do need to change and get some homework done before hand." I reply.

"East can I ask you something?" He looks at me while I rummage through my bag. I tell him sure go ahead.

"How in the world have you been able to keep two separate lives the way you have been. It blows my mind how no one has figured it out. I mean I know you told me everything but it's just so unbelievable. Its CRAZY!! And lonely and so much work."

I chuckle "yeah it has been all of that. But it was better than where I was. I just want to get done with school so I can go to college and work and get out of this place.  Chelsea and I are going to have a better life as soon as I can get a job and go to a good college. I have a few applications put in already."

"So just going to be you and Chelsea? No room for another person or anything" the way he asks makes it seem like he is being left out. 

"Why are you wanting to come to or something?" I ask him with a raised eyebrow.

"Well it depends on everything first but sure I could come along and help out with rent and housekeeping. I mean it's up to you and Chelsea of course. "

"Let's see how you and Chelsea get on first." I tell him. Although  the thought kind of excites me and it would make things a little easier on me. I really do hope that Gage and Chelsea will get along. All of these new possiblilites have me thinking overtime now and studying the boy in front of me. I also think of how quickly my life flip flopped in such a short time. Also I was slightly worried at how quickly things were moving with Gage. All these mixed emotions had me thinking alot and I wasn't paying attention to Gage as he watched me. Suddenly he tackles me making me land on my back as he climbs on me and straddles my waist. He leans down inches from my face and smiles a cute little smile.

   "There now I finally have your attention. Are you going to help or just get lost in that pretty little head of yours?" He asks me while staring down at me. I study his face and his lips but mostly look into those damn hypnotic eyes of his. I can see the playfulness in them as he looks down at me. I suddenly feel his shift a little and runs just the right spot for me to let out a small unexpected moan. I blush bright red and quickly move him off me and back to the floor. I clear my throat and tell him to get that shit eating grin off his face and that I'm fine I'll help out.

A  couple hours later between chitchat and homework, I go get ready for the game.

We arrive at school at 6 and I go into the locker room. I get pulled to the side and pushed against the locker. I look to see who the fuck it is. I look Jake directly in the eye.

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