My Bro.

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Gage's pov

It's now Friday the week was pretty uneventful, the usual. Getting up this morning though was something I was both looking forward to and not at the same time. My little brother is come home for the weekend and that had me super happy I haven't seen him in a few months and can't wait to hang out.  And have some fun. I also wonder what he's going to think about Easton when they meet tomorrow. My brother knows how long I've been crushing and he's been supportive but now that he knows almost everything I don't know if he'll change his mind. I really hope not, I do value my brother's opinion but I'm not willing to give up Easton that easily. So I want them to get along.

Now however I'm getting ready for school and that I am not looking forward to.  Today we are setting our plan in motion and it should be done by tonight. I wanted Easton to be there but he said that he wanted to spend some time with Chelsea. He feels he's been neglecting her and doesn't want her to think that. Plus I know he misses hanging out with her, I mean she is like his little sister. Also he told the new kid Kevin that he would show him around and yes he did ask me if I minded that and no I really don't.  Why because I trust him that's why. I know that Easton isn't the type to cheat.

Anyway back on point. Today I'll have to deal with Jake and as much as I would rather avoid him as much as possible now I'll be inviting him to my house. As in inside that kinda scares me. I know I won't be home alone and that Easton is only a call away but still...

I'm really surprised that Jake hasn't messed with me as much on school. It worries me, I wonder why. I mean I'm glad he isn't but that is also kinda worse. Maybe he's finally giving up?

  My phone vibrates and I grabs it off the desk near where I'm getting dressed in my room. Speak of the devil and he shall appear or in this case message.

Douchenozzle: hey meet me in the locker room at our usual time today. Don't be late cause if I have to hunt you down. You have no idea the things I will do to you later than. Message me to let me know you understand sweety.

Gage: Ok asswipe.

  Was all I messaged back. Well this makes it easier than trying to hunt him down or talk to him in front of his friends. His friends are worse than he is and always spout homophobic bullshit. If only they knew. I finished getting dressed and headed to the front of the house. No I don't eat breakfast and yes there is a reason behind that, but that's for later. I get into the car and head to school. As I park the car I look for Easton's bike. Man I love that bike it makes me get to hold onto him plus those vibrations. Mmmmm... ok ok ok I push the dirty thoughts stirring inside my mind away. Well at least for the most part... for now.

  As I'm looking I see Jessie pull in and park after a minute she opens her door and gets out opens the back door and grabs her bag. As shes grabbing her bag I see Easton getting out of the passenger side. I can see he's upset about something and is trying to talk to Jessie but she just flat out ignored him. As I get out of my car now having seen Easton I make my way over to them. As I get near I can hear him pleading. 

  "Please Jessie. I swear I wasn't trying to keep it from you. It's just that it's hard to talk about ok. I'm sorry like really sorry. I swear I won't hide anything from you ever again. Come on you mean the world to me and yes i will let you meet her ok?"  He was talking to her while they walked into the school building. Neither one had seen me guess to busy arguing. Wonder what that's about. Maybe she didn't know he was homeless? I'll ask later. Right now I turn and head to the locker room.

  I make it to the locker room and go to our usual meeting spot when suddenly I was grabbed and yanked into a small room off the locker room and proceeded to be groped.

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