chapter 21

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      Easton pov

        The weekend passed with a blur. Gage's little brother is chill. We hung out together all weekend and it is now Thursday. I'm at school in 3rd period when I look towards the door and see Netts a boy that Chelsea and I know from around town, he doesn't go to school. I check a few times to make sure its him. I don't even think of how he knew where I was because as I said my going to school was a secret. But this is so bizarre that I don't question it yet.  When I realize it is I raise my hand and ask to use the restroom. The teacher just waved a lazy hand and I grab my things and head to the door.

  "Hey Netts what's the special drop in " I ask as he nervously paces the floor in circles. After a few minutes of silence I grab his arm and he looks at me. There's a haunted look to him. I snap my fingers in his face starting to get annoyed with the boy. 

   "Chelsea was grabbed off the street this morning. Nobody knows who the guy is. Says they never seen him before. Easton I don't know what to do." He spits this out at rapid fire not taking a breath the whole speech. I look at him more closely and I see how pale and panicked he is now. He takes a deep breath before continuing. " we thought you should know cause we know that yall are like brother and sister. But dude there's a killer loose in the city bro. All the girls they found look like her man."

  My head spins at the news and I feel the blood rush from my head and instantly pales my face. No there's no way that would happen to Chelsea like he said the girls look like her but that doesn't make them her. "Netts are you sure it was Chelsea?" I ask telling him my thoughts. My head still spinning around and feeling woozy.

  "Dude I'm telling you that it is Rebeka was with her, but stopped for a second to snag a magazine from the stand and when she turned she say Chelsea getting grabbed." He says his voice rising in level and octaves as he starts panicking more. I wouldn't fucking joke about this, bro like seriously. What the fuck are we going to do?"

  My worst fears have finally come true. My Chelsea, my best friend, my sister, has been taken. My heart drops and feels heavy in my chest. My mind races at all the worst possibilities that can happen. It already conjures up pictures of Chelsea as they found the other girls and I can feel the bike ride in my throat. I run passed Netts and into the bathroom with barely anytime before I vomit into the toilet. Once my stomach is empty and the dry heaving has stopped I go and wash my face and rinse my mouth. Netts had followed me into the bathroom and I can see the sadness in his eyes and a light watery sheen covering them.

    "I'm going to go look for her. I'm going to find her and everything is going to be fine." I say outloud not sure if it's to convince myself or Netts. "Follow me." I tell him as I run out of the school and to the parking lot. I toss him the second helmet I've been keeping with me thanks to Gage so often riding with me. I think of Gage for a second then shrug it off, I can always tell him later and he would understand. We climb on the bike and I take off. We rocket through the streets to the parts of town where Chelsea usually hangs out at.

   We stop at several shops and parlors before we find Rebeka crying in a backroom of a tat shop. I walk over to her and put my hand on her shoulder. She sees me and instantly throws her arms around me and cries harder. After a few minutes her sobs subside and she stutters out "I I I I tried Easton I I r r really d d did. H h he was so so fast. Why her why?" I pushes her face into my chest and tries to calm down more. I remain calm trying my hardest not to lose control. I know I need to focus and get details. Not be the pussy I was at school and panick. "I got a good look at him though Gage do you think I should tell the police?" She asks timidly. I look down at her and give her a soft smile and brush her hair back. I nod "yeah I think we should Rebeka that's a good idea."

  I pull out my phone and call 911. I explain to the operator what's happened and he let's me know that a car is on the way. When they get there Rebeka explains everything to them and they ask her of she is willing to go down to the station and talk to a sketch artist. She nods timidly and asks if I can go with her the Officer tells her that it would be fine if I went. I wasn't comfortable driving the bike to the station so I asked the officer for a ride and he agreed. We got into the back of the cop car and Rebeka grabbed my hand and held tight. Like she was scared she would loose me too. She has this horrible look of guilt on her face and she silently repeats,"I'm so sorry, I'm so so so sorry." I pull her in close and wrap my arms around her hugging her tightly and telling her that it isn't her fault that there was nothing she could have done. 

  When we finally get to the police station it feels like hours before a short lady comes out and walks us to a room they have set up with a sketch pad and a recording device. "Don't worry kids your not in any trouble ok. The recording device is so that we can make sure that I get an accurate description of the suspect as possible as well as for record use. Meaning that if this goes to court the can compare the recording to the picture and so on. Kinda like taking notes during class and going later to study them. Make sense?" She asks with a smile on her face.  We both nod. "Ok good, which one is the one that seen the suspect?"  Rebeka raises her hand, "I am miss." Rebeka smiles at her good. She clicks on the record button and asks "will you please state your full name and birth date?"  Rebeka tells the lady and then answers each question in turn until the sketch is done. When the lady says that she is done she turns the picture around and asks Rebeka if this is anything close to what the man looked like. Rebeka pales and starts shaking nodding as her eyes water up and she says a very quiet "yes."

   The picture shows a very handsome man. His hair is neatly fixed and his eyebrows are scaped and his lips are thin but still shapely. He looks very familiar but I can not place where I seen him before. After a bit longer we leave the police station and Rebeka and I get dropped back of at the parlor. I check my phone and seen numerous texts and a few calls from Gage that I had missed. I hit his contact number and call him. On the second ring he answers, "I'm ok, can I come over?" I ask. "Of course you can," I hear Gage answer. I hang up before I hear anything else. Right now I need to keep numb so that I don't go crazy. I cannot loose my shit right now. I make it to Gages house in 10 minutes and before I can even knock on the door it opens and there stands Gage looking at me with a questioning gaze and all of the numbness breaks and my facade shatters apart like thin glass. The tears pour out of my eyes and I almost fall to my knees. Gage catches me and pulls me into the house and over to the couch he sets me down on his lap and pulls my head to his shoulder and hugs me as I cry.

  "She's gone Gage, he got her this morning. My Chelsea has been taken and I won't ever get to see her again." I break down all over again and I guess I cried myself to sleep. I wake up and I'm stretched out on Gages couch with a pillow under my head and and blanket over my body. On the table is a glass of koolaid and a bottle of ibuprofen. I can smell food being cooked and sit up. I take a couple of the tablets and a few swallows of the koolaid and head towards the kitchen.

  I see Gage putting some chicken breast coated in doritos into the pan with some stuff and place it into the oven. I walk up behind him and pull him to me putting my head on his shoulder and kissing his neck. "Are you feeling better Easton?" Gage asks quietly. "Yeah I do, thank you so much and I am so sorry Gage." He turns in my arms and looks up at me with those beautiful eyes and tells me to tell him what happened. So I nod and pull him into the front room and back on the couch. I set him in my lap and hold him tightly just as he had with me earlier. I tell him everything that happened from this morning to when I showed up at his door. My eyes where watery by the time I was done and Gage was full on crying silently.

  "I know I didn't know her long but it hurts to know someone would do this to such a sweet girl. But shes tough and we will find her and she will be fine." He says trying to be optimistic. I nod my head wanting to believe the words but my head was telling me different. I just hope that I'm wrong.

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