Chapter 2: Gandalf Is In Bree

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I woke up. My eyes were dry and I wanted to close them again when the bright light hit them. I sat up woozily in the bed. I looked to the right and left. Before me stood Gandalf on his own.

"Hello Sophia." He smiled as he walked around the side of the bad and sat down. "You have been out for three days, I know you would ask."

"How? Three days? I simply fainted!" My mind was swimming.

"I was told you hit your head by Belinda. She sent me a letter as soon as he died. Im sorry for your loss."

I gave a small smile and then brushed the thought of his death to the side.

"What am I going to do Gandalf!" I raised my voice to make the point of my concern. "Could I come live with you?"

"Sophia, I have no home and you know it." He looked down. "I wander for adventure!"

"I could join you!" I exclaimed.

"No, I feel that would be inappropriate. You must go with the elves or the Dwarves."

"I want to join you" i protested. "Go on adventures with you!"

"No! If you don't choose the dwarves or elves, I will choose for you!" He boomed out.

"No!"I fought .

"You are to go with the dwarves!" He quieted down. "You will fit in best there."

I let out a loud sigh. "Fine. When do I go?"

"Tomorrow... By horse with me."

"I will ho alone. Where do I travel?" I laid back in the bed.

"To the inner Shire. Where Mr. Bilbo Baggins lives in his hobbit whole. I will ride to the misty mountains and invite them there." He paused. "They would love to see Bilbo and so would you."

"Thank You Gandalf." I smiled up at him.

"Travel tomorrow. Give your good byes." Gandalf looked down and walked out.

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