Chapter 27

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Next morning Ezra called a press conference. I didn't know what he had in mind but I know he always had been man with a plan. So, I have to trust him and his instincts. I was watching from the side lines as the herd of press gathered in the conference area.

"The press conference today had been called regarding recent events that had been brought to my attention. Some of you must have heard or gotten news about how my wife had a day been my paid girl. None of which has been true." He said. "So, you are telling us Mr. Olyphant that the evidence we have received, was all false?" One of the reporter asked.

"Evidence can be fabricated. It is very easy now a days." "And the transactions to her bank account before you were married to Miss Rose, how are you going to explain that and it not even a small amount." Why I have a feeling that this reporter was specially hired to humiliate Ezra? But as I said Ezra was ready for everything that life might throw at his way so, he has a plan for this to.

"Since when did press started to keep the records?" He asked. "And if you check it well then you will find that the account I have transferred the money to is in my name. With some of my family members, Like my two brothers and yes my wife now. When I transferred it to her account it was for her education. She was struggling and as her boyfriend I had a right to help her. Not to mention she had house mortgage to pay and I cannot see her helpless."

"And the contract? We have seen it. We know what it says." No one can know about that. Just the lawyer, his friend that he fired. "The contract? I will not deny it's existence. Yes, it does exists but it wasn't for her. Yes, at first I intended to have that kind of relationship with her. She agreed, she signed but I didn't. I never signed it so it was never legally binding, Because I loved Rosa then." He said. "Sir, we appreciate you doing this with us. If you loved your now Wife then why have you decided to marry another?"

"You see a person can make mistake, I was in love with Rosa, but I haven't realized it then. My lack of judgement almost has cost me our predetermined engagement." He said. "You and Miss Rose were engaged?" "Yes we were, me and my brother's were grown together, Lucian and Adam both are my foster brother, since I know it. They were adopted later by their parents and I became the only child of my mother and father. So, I got their name." He said.

"When I inherited the part of their small business, I got a proposal from Mr. Prince, that he may help me with my business and he did but he has given me a condition that I have to marry his daughter, given that he may find his daughter first. So, at the time I knew Rose, I didn't knew he was the long lost daughter of Mr. Prince"

What is he taking about? Is anything in this is true? Did my father actually engaged him with me? I don't understand what is true anymore. I don't want to understand anything anymore. "So, when he did find out about his daughter?"

"Last year but by then, I already had forgotten all about it. And she was far away from me. I really did missed her." The reporters were listening to him with utmost curiosity and attentiveness.

"So, none of it was real?" "No, and she did worked hard for the money. She was working with me from quite sometime. She was a trainee and then she became my assistant. And you all know how well off my employees are." He said laughing.

"Well I hope it had cleared all you wanted to know, and so well it had also cleared my wife's name that she was my girlfriend only before she was my wife." He said "And I am glad she is part of my life now. No further questions please" I was looking at him constantly.

Suddenly I saw the reporter who was asking questions earlier. I think she didn't got enough, at least not what she had hoped to find. I followed her out swiftly. I needed to know who had hired her. She was walking clearly very frustrated towards the parking lot because she didn't get to grill my husband.

"Excuse me can I talk to you for a second?" She didn't stopped instead she kept walking muttering something under her breath. What? I don't know. But yes she did muttered something incoherent. "Excuse me I am talking to you lady" This time she turned around. "what? I told you tell him I will have the money by evening" Money? "I am not after your money. I want to know why you were grilling Ezra there?"

"Who are you again a mistress?" She asked looking me. "You don't know me?" I wanted to laugh. She didn't know me and she was talking trash about me all the time. "I am not a mistress. I am the wife you were talking trash about." She looks afraid. "Look, I didn't mean any harm to you. I just needed money and this girl told me if I can manage to humiliate your husband."

"How much she promised you?" I asked. "Twenty." She said. I opened my purse and gave her fifty. "Take this now you work for me. I want you to spy on whoever she is, starting with a name." I said. "I don't know her name. She contacted me through mail and I was desperate to have some money since I recently lost my job and wanted to start my own ." She said. "And trashing my husband name was a best way to start isn't it?" I asked.

"I am sorry, look she told me to do it." "Now I am telling you that I want a name and everything you can get me, consider this as a permanent job. If you want that is." She took my awaiting hand. "Thank you so much Mrs. Olyphant." She walked towards her car opening her door. She then turned around looking at me.

"This might not be my place to say but, I can see a when a person is hiding something and your husband definitely is Mrs. Olyphant and secrets can cost relationships. If he loves you as much as he claims to. He will definitely tell you what is on his mind." With that said she reversed her car and drove away.

This was the second person who told me that. And she didn't even had any ulterior motives now. Sometimes I think I am only one who is foolish enough to trust The Ezra Michael Olyphant.

Word Count: 1172 Words

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