Chapter 1

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" Read Chapters 9-11 before Thursday, there's a quiz. Have a good weekend." Everybody else in the lecture hall bolted out of their seats, as they should.

We'd been in this biology lecture for almost 4 hours. I was exhausted. I ran my fingers through my hair and took a deep breath before packing up my notes and things and zipping up my backpack.

I popped in my earbuds and the piano music I had been listening to before started playing. I felt all of my muscles relax and my head start to clear as I walked out of the hall and back to my car.

It's fall, so the leaves were just turning colors. I smiled to myself, knowing that thanksgiving was getting closer which meant seeing my family.

I'm a 'junior' in college, even though I'm 18. I finished high school with my two year degree which meant I skipped two year when I got to college.

This money-saver also came with a price - I now had very little friends. I look 18, so why would 20-21 year olds want to be friends with me?

I have to say I'm pretty smart academically, but socially I'm sort of lacking. I got in my car and headed over to the university library just down the street, as that's where I do my best studying and work.

The sliding doors opened and the crisp smell of books filled my nose. I waved to the secretary, as we knew each other pretty well by now; I come here every day.

I walked into the connecting coffee shop and Caleb smiled at me. "Hi Roan!" "Hey Caleb! Just the regular please". A new boy walked out of the back room.

"Uhh what exactly is 'the regular'. I looked up to see this boy with bright green hair looking at me with a sort of confused panic. "O-oh. It's a um co-no iced dri-." While chuckling Caleb said " An iced coffee with caramel."

The green-haired boy smiled and looked at me right in the eye. "Coming right up." My chest tightened. His eye contact was giving me a weird vibe.

I never look people in the eye. I always look at that little place between them. The glabella I think? But somehow he just, did it.

I felt really uncomfortable and my only thought was to get out but I had just ordered a coffee and he didn't actually do anything weird. I'm just over sensitive. "Here ya go."

The boy said snapping me out of my thoughts. I grabbed my drink but he wouldn't let go. "It's Damiar by the way" he said as I looked up.

"Roan" I replied instantly looking down. That weird feeling was back and it was climbing in to my throat. "Pretty name. Enjoy your coffee."

I mumbled a thank you as I basically ran out of the store. I walked back into the library floor finally letting out the breath I didn't know I was holding.

Everything about him was creepy. Everything put me on edge. But it's really probably just me. I shook it off and walked to a study room letting calculus and Brahms melt away my previous concerns.

When I was finished I packed up by textbook and left wanting nothing more than to go home.

I walked out into the lobby knowing that everyone in the coffee shop could see me. I took a deep breath preparing myself.

I took a glance over but didn't see him working anymore. Andrew, Caleb's boyfriend, was working instead and they both waved goodbye to me as I exited to library.

It was about 6:30 so it was getting darker as the sky started to change into beautiful oranges and pinks. I started driving as soft acoustic strumming played.

Traffic was horrible per usual for this time of day, but still I made it back to my small apartment. I had one roommate, Jade, who was nice for the most part, just a little more risqué than I.

I knew she wouldn't be home as there was a party in the downstairs' room. I pulled in next to a huge movers truck.

Before I even made it out of the car I could feel the bass and hear the yelling of drunk college kids around me.I got out of my car, looking much different in my cardigan and jeans than those in shorts and a showy top.

I locked my car and started walking around the truck when I ran into someone making them drop the boxes they were holding.

"Oh shoot, I'm so sorry I'm such a clutz." I rambled as I started picking up the spilled items. "Hey you're Roan right?"

I looked up to see Damiar and dropped the items once more. "I-um yeah". "Hey I noticed I made you a little uncomfortable earlier. I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to be weird or anything.

A sense of relief washed over me. "Haha, yeah I'm kinda awkward too, it's alright." I looked down and smiled.

"So you're moving in?" "Yeah, it was a good price for the space and a major upgrade from my parents' house so." He shrugged. "Do you need any help?" I asked looking at the remaining boxes. "Really? That'd be great. I'll pay you with pizza." I smiled realizing how hungry I was. "Perfect, so where do these go?"

We laughed at whatever joke Damiar had said and he led me over to a couch surrounded by boxes and sat down. "Oh right, let me order some pizza. I'll be right back."

I nodded as he left and looked around. It was a carbon copy of my apartment just with different furniture. He returned and said "Hope green pepper and onion is ok with you." "Omg that's my favorite!" I smiled.

That's an oddly specific pizza though, how did he know? Maybe I should've listened to my gut earlier. "Awesome. Let's watch a movie while we wait."

"Um, actually, as kind as this is, I'm really tired and I think I'm just going to go to bed. Damiar looked taken aback.

"Was it something I did?" "No! No! I had a really long lecture today and then a lot of homework at the library and I have work tomorrow morning.

I'm truly just really exhausted but I'll see you around." "Oh, um, ok. Bye Roan." He said gently. "Bye I said as I left hurriedly.

I ran up to my apartment and locked the door behind me. I have to stay away from him. I'm not straying from my gut this time.

What an interesting choice of words on my part.

A.N. Hey so I hope you're enjoying this. If not then well. Sorry. Ok, hope schools going ok for everyone. Bye :-*

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