Chapter 20

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A.N. Hey it sucks that I have to do this, but I've seen some other fics that are using my work. That's really not cool, I work really hard on this. You're only going to be proud of your work if you're the one that comes up with it. All of this content belongs to me, and anyone who copies my work will be reported. Just be respectful guys :( ok enjoy :)

My screams echoed through the terrifying room which made Damiar smile more and more.

With every slice, shock, and blow to my body, I slowly got more numb and compliant. If I was still screaming, I couldn't hear it; My ears felt like they'd been stuffed with cotton and a high pitched ring blaring just outside of them.

I started to imagine what my parents and friends would think. I didn't have many close people, but people like Caleb and his boyfriend from Starbucks might miss me. Might help me.

My parents had to have been worried since I haven't called in a while. Someone is bound to be looking for me. I started to accept the pain I was receiving instead of blocking it out.

I wanted to remember what he was doing to me. He wanted to teach me lesson? I'll learn. He's not to be trusted. Even the small part of me that started to warm up to him had vanished, and now I will have the trauma to remind me of why he has to remain the enemy.

That was my last thought before I passed out, lying helplessly as Damiar continued to let his rage show on my defenseless body.


When I woke up, the first thing I noticed was just how sore I was. My throat was raw and felt like sandpaper every time I breathed or swallowed.

Every inch of my skin stung and hurt like hell. I felt like I had been dipped in lava and then left to dry. The silk sheets did nothing to prevent pain every time I moved. I almost screamed when I saw Damiar wake up next to me.

He opened his eyes and saw me struggling to move through the pain. He took a gentle hand to my shoulder, slowly pushing me down back on the bed.

I whimpered and  tears started to fall from my eyes even though I didn't sob. "You need to rest. You and Ethan both need the day to rest and recover from your respective punishments."

He said in a firm voice. What happened to Ethan? I tried to ask the psycho laying next to me, but all that cake out was a hoarse whisper followed by coughing which made the pain worse.

"I'm going to get you some thing to help you with the pain. I'll turn on the TV and be right back. He turned it on to some cooking channel and I watched as different contestants fought to win whatever challenge.

It was weird to think that the people on the screens were free, and living good lives with the normal stresses of day-to-day life. While I on the other hand feared for my life every second of every day.

Last night was a great demonstration of the 'sickness' he expected me to fix. It's going to be impossible. Any time I try to help and give suggestions, he doesn't listen and assumes his way is better.

Then when his way is not in fact better, he heys mad at me and I end up hurt. Just like I am now. I looked down at my body and saw that bandages wrapped most of my body.

Some had blood seeped almost through and others had mystery fluid on or around them. I didn't want to think about it too much- even though it was hard because everything hurt so badly.

I flinched as the door opened and he walked in with a silver tray. Even the slight tension of my muscles made me let out a high pitched grunt. He set the tray down on the table next to me and I looked the other way out of fear of what was on the tray.

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