Chapter 22

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To be honest with you, I had no idea why I just did that.  It was only going to result in Ethan getting more hurt and me getting more attention from Damiar. 

Literally the two worst possible outcomes.   Damiar brought me back to his bedroom and set me down for just a second before joining me and holding me close to his chest. 

I wasn't anywhere near tired, and I'm sure he knew that.  He probably just thought I wanted to be close to him.  As if that would make me feel better. 

He rubbed my back and lightly played with the ends of my hair which admittedly made me feel a whole bunch better.  I closed my eyes and focused on my breathing. 

I knew I had messed up, but I couldn't handle thinking of the consequences Ethan would have to face.  He should never have violated my space like that, but he also doesn't deserve whatever punishment Eric had in store for him. 

Especially after the torture he was put through a few nights before. I felt Damiar leave my side and I opened my eyes to look up at him.  "Hey, um, I got you something."

He sat up and walked to the other side of the room where a box of stuff from his old apartment had been sitting for a few days now. I was expecting something like a new outfit or one of his sweatshirts to wear, but when the grey blanket was pulled out I couldn't help but smile.

"Can you see what I'm holding?" He asked.  I let out a small breath smiling a little.  "Yeah, I put in my contacts after my shower."  He smiled and nodded.

"I thought you'd like it.  You were kind of attached to it at the apartment."  I blushed and looked down at the comforter.  He was right.  It was a really comfy blanket and it was nice to pull close to your chest and fall asleep.

"I think I could use it right about now." I said half laughing through my continuous stream of tears.  He brought it over and I snatched it right when it came to my reach.  "Hey, slow down there.  I think a thank you is in order?" 

He said sounding almost offended.  "Thank you Dam."  I said through the blanket.  I winced as his nickname slipped through my lips.  I didn't mean to say that. 

His name is Damiar.  That's all I can call him.  I can't get comfortable, I mean I'm not staying here for long!  I felt like screaming at the top of my lungs into the pillow below me. "Anytime baby.  Your wish is my command." 

If you don't shut your stupid-ass-A loud knock at the door interrupted my thoughts.  "Come in" Damiar yelled.  Eric stepped in looking a little frazzled.

"Can I talk to you for a second?"  "Yeah, sure." He responded without moving.  "Maybe, without her? It's kind of private."  Damiar contemplated this.  "She's going to be here a while.  She might as well get used to our work and our lifestyle." 

Eric looked like he wanted to scream and punch the both of us all at the same time.  "I don't know what to do about Ethan.  I don't know how to punish him.  I really don't think there's anything I can do that would actually do anything. 

He just really wants to apologize.  He feels really really bad."  "Eric, you can't be soft.  You can love him all you want, but if you give this one thing up, you could lose all of your power over him and then you'll have to start at square one.

You don't have to be too rough, but maybe just a quick lesson wouldn't hurt."  Damiar squeezed my hand.  "He can't get away with scaring my baby like that."  Eric nodded, running a hand through his course hair. 

He shut the door without another word and left the two of us in an akward silence.  "Well you said you wanted to do something.  What would you suggest?" 

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