Chapter 3

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Alani's P.O.V

There Kalin and Myles were standing outside of our school with their tour bus behind them.

I couldn't believe they drove all the way out here just for us. I ran up to Kalin and jumped in his arms.

He picked me up and spun me around. My head was resting in the crook of his neck while he still was carrying me.

"I missed you" I told him still not letting go of him.

"I missed you more though." He said finally putting me down. He put his arm around my shoulder and walked me inside the bus.

The bus was amazing. My favorite area was the little studio in the back. Me and Kalin sat in the lounging area by the food. It was silent but not an awkward one.

"Go on a date with me." Kalin asked me smiling down at me.

"When and where?" I said with a smirk on my face.

"Tonight at 7:30. It's a suprise and dress comfy." he said confidently

"Okay I guess" I said laughing at him. They boys dropped me and Mia off at home.

"Bye Kalin, see you tonight" I said smiling at him. He winked and got back in the bus.

I walked in and laid on the couch and just smiled. I was too excited for tonight.

Kalin's P.O.V

This date has to go just as planned. If it does then Alani will be my girlfriend by the end of the night. I decided to take a nap since it was 5:00. I'll start getting ready at 6:15

* 1 hour later *

I started getting ready for the date. I put on some basketball shorts with a wind breaker jacket. Then I put on my slides and went downstairs.

I saw Myles sitting down typing away on his phone.

"Alright I'm outtie" I said to him. "Goodluck bro." He said giving me and fist pound.

I texted Alani to make sure she was ready.

K : Hope you remembered to dress comfy, and I'm on my way right now.

A : Yes I remembered Kalin, and otay you better have food for me💁

I smiled and started driving. When I got to her house her car was the only one in the drive way.

I rang the doorbell and then there she was the most beautiful girl on earth. She was wearing black Popular Demand sweats, a grey HBK hoodie and slides.

Even dressed like that she was beautiful.

"You look bae af" I said laughing.

"Kalin I'm wearing sweats and a hoodie no I don't" I gasped dramatically at her.

"You look beautiful no matter what you wear." I said smiling at her.

"Okay Kalin whatever. So where are we going?"

"It's a surprise remember." I said smirking at her.

Alani's P.O.V

"Kalin just tell me!!" I said as we walked to the car. He shook his head no and opened the door for me.

The drive to wherever we were going was fun. Kalin played his music and I was snapchatting everything.

We pulled up to a beach. Kalin opened my door and we walked to a lit up area. He spread out a blanket and had a basket of food.

"Kalin this is too cute omg." I said hugging him. He just smiled and kissed my cheek.

"I can't cook so I just got this." Kalin said laughing. The food was Chipotle. I almost screamed because Chipotle is life.

We just sat there eating listening to the water. After we were done eating I got ready to leave because I knew the date was sadly gonna be over soon.

"Wait I have to show you something." Kalin said taking me towards a small outdoor stage. There was a stool and a microphone.

He brought me on the stage and sat me down on the stool. I knew he was about to sing to me. I got excited. Then a familiar song started playing. The ticking of Girlfriend was what I was hearing.

Kalin was singing Girlfriend to me. I could not believe this was real.

As he finished the last line of the song I saw lights light up behind me. In candles a message read
"Will You Be My Girlfriend?" I turned and saw Kalin smiling.

"Will you?" He asked me.

"Yes 1 million times yes!!" I said jumping into his arms. He put me down and I wrapped my arms around his neck as he wrapped his around my waist.

We were face to face, and after an eternity it felt like, our lips finally met. I know this sounds cheesy but it felt like an explosion of sparks between us went off.

His lips were so soft it was unbelievable. Our kiss turned into making out quickly.

We did that for like 5 minutes. We finally pulled away and just looked at each other.

"Hi girlfriend" he said smiling.

"Hi boyfriend" I said hugging him.


Sorry this chapter is short I didn't know what to write about but yee! The picture above is what it looked like but it would say "Be My Girlfriend" not marry me lol. I hope anyone reading this is enjoying it

The One For Me - A Kalin White Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now