Chapter 11

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*Last show of Tour*

Alani's P.O.V
I can't believe this is the last show! It went by so quickly, but I was happy to have spent so much time with Kalin. I love him so much.

I've also gotten really close to Bella. The girl I picked for girlfriend if you forgot. It was about 3'o clock in the morning and we were almost in Santa Barbara. Kalin and Myles were working on music. They are so loyal to KAMFAM and their always working for them and it makes me so happy.

"Babe sing for me. Something sexy." I told Kalin smirking.

"Helloooo we're in here?" Mia said waving her hand in front of my face.

"Please you know you wanna hear it too." I said jokingly.

"Why when I can have Myles rap his sexy lyrics to me?" She said smiling evilly.

"Whatever." I said smiling.

Mia and Myles walked out leaving me and Kalin. I sat on his lap. "Sing baby." I said to him. He began singing "Song On 12 Play" by Chris.

"We gon be bumpin and grindin seems like you ready to sex meeee baby." He sang.

I literally got chills all over.

"Damn." I said. He smiled and kissed me.

"C'mon let's go to bed." He said getting up.
* Next Day *

It was almost show time for the concert. Bella said she was gonna be here so I would hang out with her and Mia.

I put on some light jean high waisted shorts with a grey crop top that read "You're Just Jealous". I then put on my Gamma blue 11's with a gold Rolex watch. I put my hair in a sloppy but cute bun and put on my ring from Kalin.

I waited for Mia and we walked into the venue. The boys were just finishing up sound check. Me and Mia went backstage to go wish Kalin and Myles luck like usual. Kalin wasn't with Myles. "Hey Myles where's Kalin?" I asked him. "I think that dressing room." He pointed out.

"Hey babe I.." My mouth dropped at what I was seeing. Tears instantly fell down my cheeks. "What the fuck." I whispered. Bella was on top of Kalin kissing him. I could not believe this was happening. I felt like throwing up.

"Baby it's not what it looks like." He said pushing her off. "What could this possibly be Kalin?! You were kissing her!!" I screamed. "I should really beat your ass. I thought we were friends." I said to Bella. She had a look of guilt on her face.

Now Mia and Myles were behind me in the door frame. "I'm leaving." I said walking away from everyone. "Alani please just listen." Kalin said grabbing my arm. "I don't wanna listen and don't touch me." I said yanking my arm away from him.

I took the ring from him off my finger and threw it at him. Then I left. I got my things off the bus and called a cab to take me to a hotel. When I got into the hotel room I checked my phone Mia was blowing up my phone. I decided to call her back.

Phone Convo
A : Hello.
M : Alani I've called to like 50 times where are you ?!!
A : I'm at a hotel.
M : Which one?
A : The Mariott.
M : I'm coming right now. What room number?
A : 229

Then I hung up the phone. I sat on the bed staring blankly at the wall. I began crying thinking of the incident. I loved Kalin, well I still do love him. A lot.

My thoughts were interrupted by knocking. I got up and opened the door. I thought it was Mia but it was the person I didn't want to see but I did want to see. It was Kalin.

"What do you want?" I questioned him.

"I want to talk. I need to explain." He told me

"I don't wanna hear your excuses Kalin." I told him.

"Just give me 5 minutes." He pleaded.

"Fine" I told him letting him come in the room.

"Ok so it was after sound check and I saw Bella back there looking lost, so I was telling her where you guys where. Then I walked into the dressing room and she knocked. She came in crying telling me that you slapped her, but I didn't believe it. I played along with her. She sat down next to me and then she got on top of me and started kissing me. I tried to get her off but you came in right when it started. You saw I wasn't in to the kiss I didn't even have my hands on her." Kalin finished.

"Baby please you gotta believe me." He said.

"I do believe you, but you should've tried harder to get her off of you. I don't believe that part. I think you kissed back but then realized what you were doing and then tried to push her off." I told him. He was looking down at the floor.

"So you just lied to me?" I asked him.

"Yes.. But I did it because I didn't want you to be upset anymore than you already are." He said still looking down.

"Ok well thanks for coming down to explain." I told him.

"So you forgive me?" He said lifting his head up.

"Yes I forgive you but I think we should take a break." I told him.

"A break? Like break up?" He asked concerned.

"Yea something like that." I said.

"So do you still love me?" Kalin asked me with watery eyes.

"Kalin I will always love you. Forever. I just need time to think." I said sitting next to him rubbing his back.

"Ok. I'll wait for you Alani because you are the love of my life."

He said grabbing my face. I leaned in and kissed him for probably the last time in a while. The kiss deepened as we both were laying down.

We were interrupted my someone knocking. This had to be Mia. We both sat up. Kalin got up and got ready to leave. I opened the door to see Mia and Myles.

"Why is he here?" Mia asked me.

"We were talking.." I told her.

"I'll be back I'm just gonna walk him outside.

"Goodbye Kalin." I said hugging him.

"Bye baby girl." He said. A tear fell from my eye because he wouldn't be calling me that in a long time.

"I love you." He said walking away.

"Love you more." I whispered. I walked back in the room wiping my tears.

"What happened?" Mia asked.

I told her everything. Her and Myles left around 1 A.M. I laid on my bed and saw Kalin brought back the ring. I smiled and put it on and went to sleep.
This chapter was short and I keep changing the format of my writing lol. But if you like my story you should vote for it 💘🎉.

The One For Me - A Kalin White Love StoryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon