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      The whole room was dead silent and Daryl and my father were astounded and sent me a warning look. “Really?”  Negan asked amused. Gulping I looked at Daryl who was holding onto his wounded arm. Taking an exhale and closing my eyes for a moment I opened them again. “Yes. On one condition. You let them go.” Daryl tried to get to me when his men stopped him. “No Wynter!” My father cried. “Get yer hands off me! Let her go.” Daryl growled, pushing some of Negan’s men back. “She can’t go. Let her go. I’ll take her place.” Michonne stepped up and I shook my head. “NO!” I yelled, as I pushed her back. “Get the hell back! You’re worthless!” I hissed so that she would step back. Negan pushed her back and I punched him, in the jaw. “Don’t touch her.” I spat, as he recollected himself. “Stupid bitch!” his hand collided with my cheek and Daryl tensed up, while my father stared at the man with spite. He brought me close to him and he rested my head on his chest enjoyed seeing Daryl’s pissed reaction. Shuddering I stepped away from Negan and stepped back. “Alright I accept your deal.” I knew he was lying but before I could react, He shot me in the leg and I screamed as I fell to the ground.  “Bring them, and the rest of their group here. If they refuse then you kill them.” Half of his men scrambled and ran down the steps searching through the hotel.


         Even though Negan’s men were leading us down the corridor and leading us into the room, the group was allowed to walk with each other. Daryl and I were in the back and they shoved us into a room. As soon as the door slammed and locked I wrapped my arms around him. I was afraid to let go, it was as if he would disappear. He embraced me back and he tore off the sleeves of his shirt. He tied one around my shoulder and I tied the other on his fore-arm. “Yer so damn stupid! Why the hell would you do that? Yer pregnant with OUR child how could you be so stupid?!” He yelled. “I had to protect the group, I had to protect my family! Daryl I had to protect you!” I replied, letting go of him. He had his hung and his expression was cold. “That ain’t yer damn job is it? Ya could’ve gotten killed, and they had their hands on you!” He continued as I rested my hand on his shoulder. “Daryl it wasn’t your fault! You couldn’t have stopped it!” His expression was as cold as ice. “To hell I couldn’t! He- they TRIED TO RAPE YOU!!!” He yelled pacing back and forth. “Daryl Negan put a bullet in you and look in the mirror you’re so damn bloodied and bruised. They killed Chase and they were about to kill you all! What the hell was I supposed to do? I couldn’t have the rest of the group die-“I was cut off by screaming in the hallways and gunshots. Exchanging glances we made our way towards the door. “HEY OPEN THIS DAMN DOOR!” We shouted a countless amount of times, as we slammed our fists against the door. There was no response other than chuckling and Daryl kicked the door and I stepped back. “Daryl stop!” I grabbed onto his arm and he shook me off. “Daryl stop please they’ll kill us all if we don’t stop. THINK FOR A SECOND STOP IT.” He breathed heavily but stepped back and we slumped against the wall listening to the screams and gunshots. I closed my eyes and tried to escape the living nightmare. “I’ll get you and the group out of here somehow.”


          I was awakened by shouts, and I looked to see Daryl not beside me anymore! “Daryl!” I called out, and the door burst open. I shuddered as it wasn’t Daryl but Negan himself. He pulled me up and took me out of the room. Where is the rest of the group? I was thrown in another place in the hotel. It had a lot of beds and tables that had drinks and cigarettes on the wooden tables. Picking myself off the floor I scanned the room and saw the other women. “Oh my gosh!” I embraced Maggie, Hunter, Carol, Michonne, Rosita, April. “Where are the others?” I asked, as I pulled away. Tears welled up in their eyes. “They’re in a different part of the hotel, sometimes they come down here though…” Maggie trailed off. I knew what this was and I shook my head, trying to wake myself up. Tears came to each one of our eyes and I slumped against the wall and cried. How the hell were we going to escape this dreadful nightmare I would rather be dead or a walker. How could be someone be this sick and twisted? The door opened and everyone in the room tensed up and I put April, and Hunter behind me protectively. 

More than words ~Sequel to My GuardianWhere stories live. Discover now