Plunge to your death shall we?

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Wynter's P.O.V

 My heart was broken, as I glanced back to see the group's settlement not there anymore. We were walking along the road now and a cold breeze swept over me. Luke gripped tighter onto my wrist tighter to the point where it hurt. I winced but continued to keep quiet. He came to a halt near a river. " We have to get across and then you can be with me again." He chuckled and I tried to wriggle out of his grip but I couldn't. "Let go of me!" I hissed and he shoved me against one of the bridge pillars. He let go of me and I cursed in pain. He smiled deviously and he gripped onto my waist. He kissed my neck and i turned my head and looked at the other side of the river. This was going to be my life full of torture and loneliness.

  Suddenly he held a gun to my head and pushed me so I was now 3 steps from falling into the river. I gulped and i saw Daryl, Glenn and Maggie. He smirked and i could Daryl was ready to kill him. " Put down your weapons and walk away unless you want her dead." Daryl took a step further and i jumped as Luke shot off a warning shot. There was a scream and in the distance I saw Rick, Carl, Hunter, and... oh god Skylar held by men. "I never said I was alone." He told us as we he saw our astonishment. "TIME FOR A DECISION WYNTER.. COME WITH US AND THEY LIVE IF YOU DONT I WILL KILL YOUR DAUGHTER SLOWLY AND PAINFULLY THEN DARYL THEN THE OTHERS. While you watch." Luke yelled so everyone could hear. Skylar was crying but it was silent. Tears cascaded down her pink cheeks and my heart sank. "She ain't going anywhere with you!" My father growled and Luke whistled a signal. The man brought Skylar over and she looked up at me with fear.

   "DONT FUCKING TOUCH HER!" I yelled and Luke grabbed hold of Skylar she screamed as he pushed her toward me. She grasped onto a tree branch near her and I gripped onto the pillar. "Hold on Skylar and don't let go." I told her she began to cry harder. "It's okay it will be alright." I told her and I was cut off by a slap from Luke. The impact made my head turn and i looked back at the devil. " She's not going!" Daryl growled, and Luke shrugged.

there was a shriek and the branch snapped that Skylar had been holding onto. "SKYLAR!" I screamed. Luke shot Hunter and she fell into the water. Daryl fought against the men's grip and Luke shot him sending him down the river. Tears were streaming now and Carl yelled and cursed ad Hunter struggled to compete with the current. My heart raced and i fought with Luke. 

   "YOU STUFF BITCH!" He yelled pushing me back. Before I could get my balance I fell backward into the water. I went underwater and the wAter was freezing. " SKYLAR!" I screamed emerging from the water. I coughed and sputtered out water and tried desperately to avoid the rocks at the bottom. Every time I tried to get on the Shore the current would sweep me. "MOM!!" Skylar screamed. I saw Daryl grasp onto her and she climbed up on a big rock to avoid the river.  

   He turned to me and I saw Hunter in the distance but she was unconcious. Diving underneath the wAter I saw toward her and held her head up above the water. Swimming my way over to the rock I put Hunter up on their. "Mommy Daddy look out!" Skylar yelled before we had time to react a water washed us away from the rock and down the river. Coughing I emerged from the water to see Daryl. I tried to swim close to him but the current was even stronger than it was before. Gripping onto a rock I tried to hold on. He swam toward me and gripped onto me and the rock. "Are you alright." Blood pooled and mixed into the water and I saw Daryl's wound.

        "I'll be fine. Just hang on." He told me. We were pulled with the current and there was a drop down a cliff. Cursing I grabbed onto his hand. This is it wasn't it.We went down the cliff with the water and plunged back into the freezing water. Underneath the water I couldn't hold on to Daryl's hand and I went further into the water. I struggled to get up to the surface. It was getting harder to hold my breath every second and I realised my leg was caught on a rope of some sort. Desperately I tried to kick and get the rope off when I smashed my head into a rock and I lost consciousness. 

   Daryl's P.O.V.

   I resurfaced and came to shore setting my crossbow down and my bolt. Exhaling and catching my breath my heart stopped for a moments. "WYNTER!!" I yelled desperate to find her. Looking through the water I saw her thrashing trying to resurface but she couldn't. Without hesitance I jumped into the freezing water and I swam toward her. She looked at me terrified to die and I tried to get the rope off of her foot, with my hands. Cursing mentally I looked up to see her unconscious. Resurfacing for air quickly I went back underneath the water, the bitter cold consuming me. As much as it stung I ignored it and managed to find a knife in Wynter's holster. Unsheathing it I cut the rope quickly and grabbed her swimming us to shore. I laid her down on the sandy shore and I put my head close to hers and she wasn't breathing. Quickly I began to do CPR, but she still wasn't breathing. "C'mon!" I yelled out of frustration and anger. "C'MON!" I yelled. I can't lose her not now. I need her.

"C'MON WYNTER." I yelled trying to get her heart to beat again. I cradled her in my eyes and for once in a long time I began to cry as I cradled her in my arms. I can't save her can I? Somehow every time I try to protect her from something, another person or thing has to come and ruin it. "I'm sorry Wynter. I'm sorry.

Carl's P.O.V.
I managed to get to shore with a body beside me. Shoving it away from me I stood up and found my dad. "We need to find the others!" My dad stated. We grasped onto each other to help balance each other and he walked over around as we started searching for everyone. I looked toward the crystal clear water when I noticed a pool of blood and oh God Hunter. My heart raced and my mind was focused on Hunter and only Hunter. Walking through the water I grabbed onto her frail body and pulled her toward shore. I laid her down and began pushing down on her chest with my hands and doing CPR. In the distance I saw the group drenched and making their way towards Hunter and I some wounded others helping the wounded. A asp escaped Hunter as she coughed up some water that was in her lungs. She grasped onto my shirt tightly not wanting me to leave. I held her close and she let go and began to shiver. We were both so cold due to the water. Dad held not Skylar as her frail body shook with fear. She glanced around and I did too. "Mommy Daddy where are they?!" She exclaimed. My heart sank and I grabbed my gun. "We need to get them back. They went down the river." Skylar told us as she shivered. "Hey we will. Alright? Don't worry were going to get your mom and dad back. You have to be patient. I promise they will be safe you just have to wait." My dad tried to calm her down but she continued to cry heavily. I started walking along the shore. "HEY WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!" Michonne and my dad yelled. "I'm going to get m sister back!" I yelled back. A hand rested on my shoulder and I turned to see Hunter. I Snook her off lightly and she collapsed. "Hunter!" picking her up bridal style I carried her to where there was an abandoned vehicle. "Please don't leave me." She pleaded.  I fought with myself. I wanted to look for my sister but I also needed to be with hunter. "Hey. Stay here with Hunter she need you. Michonne and I will go look for her." My dad told me. I shook my head. "Hunter I need to get my sister. Please understand." She smiled weakly. "Yes go. Carl bring her and Daryl back and Promise me you'll come back." She said. I kissed the top of her head and put my gun in my holster. "I promise." Shutting the door I turned to my father and Michonne. "Let's go." My father was reluctant but slowly nodded and let me go. "Wait. Michonne I need you to stay here." She looked at my father quizzically. "Carol watch over Skylar and Judith until we get back. Abraham don't let anyone get even close to the camp. Don't move until we come back." My father commanded and they nodded.

   Rick's P.O.V.

   My heart sank and had shattered again knowing Wynter was missing and my group was wounded I hope she's with Daryl. If there's anyone that can save her and protect her its Daryl. We continued walking along the shore and we came to a halt at the water cliff. My heart stopped. There was blood visible on the rock. I looked down the cliff and there was no sign of life. But blood at the bottom. "NO!" I yelled. "No." Tears began to stream down my face and Michonne looked down. Carl saw a lonesome walker and started shooting it aimlessly. Michonne killed it and I held Carl to me. "We don't know for sure that they're dead we can keep looking." I took a deep breath and began tying to find a way down. "Rick we need to plan this out carefully. One move and we could be dead think clearly." She told me grasping onto my hand. I exhaled and inhaled deeply. "T-There's bloom on the rock and-and on the shore. H-How would she survive that?" I hiccupped. "Because she's strong enough Rick. She's with Daryl he won't let her die. Maybe they moved somewhere else to try and make it up here to the group. We can keep looking. Have faith Rick." I held my head in my hands and after a while she slowly grasped onto my hand and looked me in the eyes and cupped my face. "Hey she's alive both of them. Now let's go an find them c'mon Carl. He looked pissed but went along and walked being Michonne. "C'mon!" Carl shouted angrily desperate to find Wynter. I didn't blame her I wanted to find her alive.

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