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3rd Person’s P.O.V.

        The sky was murky and rain drops cascaded the group’s cheeks and landed on the group’s bodies. Their clothes were drenched as they kneeled in the field ready to be executed by a gunshot to the head. They were bound and gagged and Dallas looked down at the new group with hatred. There was nothing more to killing them then simply out of spite. The group shivered in the cold as the cold metal handguns were pressed against their foreheads. Skylar cried but it was muffled by the piece of cloth stuffed in her mouth. Everyone was a bit fearful, but still kept hopes that Rick’s plan would still work. Rick glared at Dallas, as Dallas pointed the gun at Rick’s head. He was emotionless as a gunshot rang out and Melody’s sister fell on the grass with a dark pool of blood around her forehead. Dallas smiled and kicked the now limp teenage girl. “Filthy, deceased bitch.” He grumbled as he walked back over to Rick.  As tears pricked melody’s eyes as he heart was torn into a million pieces. She felt as if she were dead already.  There were sympathetic glances from the whole group including Daryl and they looked up at the ones who would soon have blood on their hands.  As Dallas laid his hands on the trigger Rick moved at the last second. “NOW!!!” He screamed and the group got the gun out of their executioners. Michonne grabbed onto her Katana and cut the rope of her Rick, Carl, Glenn, Maggie and Hunter. Everyone scrambled for any weapon they could find and they began fighting.  Rain continued to pour and blood dripped on the grass. Skylar screamed as a man went toward her with a knife. She was never so terrified in her life. She gasped as the man fell and his face slammed into the ground with a knife in his back. There was a shriek form her as she saw Wynter, with blood on her hands. Nonetheless Wynter picked her up and held a gun in her hands. Dallas fought with Abraham and he took the knife out of his holster and ran into Abraham knocking him down. There was a groan and a cry of pain as the knife went into Abraham’s chest. He grabbed onto Dallas’s throat and tried to strangle him but a gunshot came into contact with his chest. Blood seeped through his trenched white t-shirt and his arms fell by his side as he drew one last shaky breath, before he slipped into an eternal sleep.

        One of Dallas’s men struggled against Rick as he held a knife to the man’s throat. Rick pressed the knife toward the man’s neck but the man held up his hands trying desperately to get the cold lifeless piece of metal away from his skin. Rick’s anger continued to grow as he heard the gunshot that killed Abraham and he drew his arm back and stabbed the knife into the throat of the struggling man. The man screamed and blood poured and flew everywhere out of the throat. Rick continued to stab the man until he was dead. When the man lay on the ground he retrieved the knife. Blood dripped from his hands but in that moment he couldn’t care less. He stormed up to the 3 men that Michonne was currently fighting and he slit ones throat from behind. Michonne quickly nodded before decapitating the others. They breathed heavily and walkers filed into the field, ready to join the blood bath that was taking place. Maggie and Hunter were currently fighting walkers and men. Glenn’s heart raced as he feared for Maggie. He raced over toward his wife and his group member and squeezed the trigger sending off countless amounts of gunshots, from the Ak-47.  Maggie looked at Glenn with terror and he held onto her hand. “Go find Dakota! She’s leading everyone out of here!” Maggie’s heart sank and she gripped onto Glenn’s shoulders. Tears filled her eyes. “No Glenn I’m not leaving you!” She exclaimed to her husband. He looked down at her. “Maggie I will be there soon now go!” He pushed her forward and she glanced back before running to the other side of the land. Deep down Glenn knew he wouldn’t make it out of this. A walker lunged itself at him and he pushed it off and shot it in the head. He gasped for air as a piece of metal sliced across his neck.  He tried to catch his breath only to collapse on the ground. Glenn looked up to see a smirking Dallas. “I’m sorry I had to.” He said sickly before snickering and walking away. “GLENN!!!” Maggie screamed! She went to go toward her dying husband when she was blocked. “Maggie stop!” Wynter yelled, pushing her back. Tears streamed down her face. “No I need to get to Glenn!” She said in between sobs. Wynter shook her head. “No. You can’t there’s a horde of walkers surrounding him!” She exclaimed. Maggie’s hear shattered along with Wynter’s. Wynter looked at Maggie sympathetically before pulling her away from the sight of her dead husband.
Wynter rushed over to Skylar and picked her up and pulled Maggie along with her as Dakota, walked up to them with Carl, Carol,  Hunter, Melody and MacIsaac. “Where’s dad!” Carl yelled panicking. Wynter looked down. “I don’t know but Carl you need to get these people out of here and take Skylar.” She ordered. “What about you?!” He asked and she smiled weakly. “I’m going to go get the rest of the croup if I can find them.” He went to object when Wynter cut him off. “Carl please I will get the rest of the group but you need to do your part.” Reluctantly he nodded. “Mommy you can’t go! Don’t leave me”! Skylar whimpered as Wynter put her down. Wynter smiled weakly at her daughter and kissed her on the forehead. “I love you and Daddy and I will come back I promise.” She whispered. Skylar gave her mother a quick hug before Carl and the others disappeared through the forest.

        Daryl and Rick continued to battle the dead and the living together back to back; covering each other.  Their hearts quickened as more of the dead surrounded them. Dallas’s group shot at the dead and Rick and Daryl. They cowered behind a cement block and peered over top of it or on the side every once in a while to get a shot. 15 men were dead 3 of them included Rick’s group; Jacob, Glenn and Abraham. Rick felt regret but he buried it deep within, so that he could focus on eliminating the threat. There were still 6 men up not including the dead. Daryl glanced at Rick to give him the signal to fire. After a moment he nodded and he put his hands on the trigger of the AK-47 when a couple gunshots rang out. The two men exchanged quizzical glances before hearing yelling and the sound of flesh being torn apart. There was a shriek and it made Daryl and Rick cringe. The sound of Wynter’s cries as countless amount of walkers lunged themselves at her. Her heart was racing and she lost her gun to Dallas. Quickly scanning the area she came across the hatchet that was…Glenn’s. She picked it up feeling a wave of guilt hitting her as she used the hatchet covered in Glenn’s blood. She slashed and slammed the hatchet into the walkers’ heads. Her heart was beating a million miles per minute as she continued.  She looked up into the monsters eyes and she looked with horror as she saw another dozen around her. A couple gunshots rang out and she looked to see Daryl and Rick. She breathed heavily and continued to kill the remaining walkers that surrounded her.  She had so much blood covering her body it looked like that was all she wore. She looked at her husband and father and she turned to see Dallas heading towards them. She examined the blood on him and realized it was their group’s blood and… his? The 3 looked at him more closely to see that he had a piece of flesh missing from his neck.  He gripped onto a knife in one hand and a gun in the other. The man smiled maliciously at the 3 and Daryl held up the gun, he had. He squeezed the trigger but no shot was fired. With a curse he threw the gun and Dallas rushed toward them. Wynter threw the hatchet and it landed in his leg causing him to whimper and collapse on the ground. Rick threw punches at him and broke his two arms causing Dallas to scream in pain. Rick slammed a knife into either side; pinning his shirt to the blood stained grass and stood up.
          The walkers moaned as they smelled his blood and could hear his quickened heartbeat. Rick smirked as he heard the shrill cries of the man. “Hope you have fun in hell you son of a bitch!” Rick yelled so that Dallas could hear it before he drew in a shaky last breath and died. Daryl and Wynter grabbed their original weapons and Rick grabbed his silver revolver. Putting it in his holster they walked towards the forest leaving the hell on earth to its remains and its deceased demons.


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