Sibling bonding

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         I awoke abruptly to the sound of Yelling, and laughter. My heart skipped a beat and I glanced around my room to see Carl dying of laughter. “Carl!” I yelled angrily. “Your reaction was so funny!” He said in between laughs. “I wonder what your reaction will be when I beat you up.” I spat. Throwing the covers off of me I grabbed my jacket and got up. “You’re so damn childish sometimes.” I mumbled walking past him. “Only around you.” He smiled and I picked up my bow and quiver. “You didn’t wake up when I tapped you.” He replied and I couldn’t help but chuckle. “You’re so sick minded!” He rolled his eyes and then chuckled too. “Anyways I needed to wake you up because I was going into a run to town and Maggie said she needed something on the list. She told me not to look at it.” He replied as he held out his hand for me to take the piece of paper. “Did you read it?” I questioned and he smirked in response.  “Most of it till Maggie saw and I quickly put it away.” I panicked inside. What if he knew about Maggie’s baby? She told me not to tell anyone. When Carl noticed my expression he frowned. “What’s wrong?” He questioned as I took the paper and scanned over it quickly before putting it in my jean pocket.  I shook my head and started walking ahead of him, towards the vehicle on the street. “Wait.” I said spinning around. He looked at me quizzically and I continued. “Where are Skylar Daryl and Rick?” I asked and he put his gun in his holster. “See if you hadn’t been sleeping for half the day you would know.” He told me rolling my eyes. “They’re out on a hunting trip should be back by the time we get back.” I felt numb. I trusted Daryl and my dad to keep Skylar safe, but that didn’t stop me from worrying. Carl nudged me causing me to turn my attention to him. “Hey don’t worry she’s in good hands.” I stared into his ocean blue eyes and his lips curled into a smile. We heard the sound of footsteps and Carl stumbled back as Hunter embraced him with a little bit of force. I walked over to the car as she kissed him and I tried not to stare. Once they had their tongues down each other’s throats I cleared my throat awkwardly and they pulled away. Hunter smiled warmly at me and I just nodded without responding.  We walked over to the Black truck and I hotwired the car. “I think you want to drive.” I told him. “Wow thanks for voluntelling me.” I got into the passenger seat and I didn’t know what the hell that word was. He chuckled. “You volunteered me when I didn’t say anything but I can’t say no. therefore you voluntold me.” Rolling my eyes I grabbed a pack of gum and smarties. The colored chocolate was so damn delicious and often times before all this shit started Carl and I used to eat them together every time we hung out. “Whoa how the hell did you get smarties?” He asked me. “Dakota got them from Canada. There was no way in hell we would get them here since all of the chocolates are almost like extinct.” I answered. “That is so weird that food is becoming really scarce.” We thought for a moment and He shook his head and we started driving.

All the stores we had been to so far were completely empty! The apocalypse however has been going on for years now. Funny how 2 years into the apocalypse we had hope that it would all just end and somebody would find the cure, but now we aren’t that naïve. All the survivors can do is keep surviving.  There’s a hell of a lot more walkers then there was before but now there are smaller herds. The sound of the engine stopping pulled me out of my thoughts and Carl cursed. From the expression on his face I knew we would have to walk from here. Sighing heavily we grabbed our weapons and we started to walk down the road.

        “Hey um… do you.. uh.. well… when did you uh have sex in your relationship.” Carl’s question caught me off guard and I coughed and turned to him slowly. I could tell this was a little awkward for him. Although in a way it was kind of awkward for me.  “When I was ready why?” I asked slowly as we continued walking at a slower pace than before. “Well I.. Hunter told me she wasn’t ready and I mean.-“He cut himself off and stopped talking for a moment. “Considering that you’re almost 19 it makes sense that you have… sexual desires for each other. If Hunter isn’t ready you need to respect that. You shouldn’t try to change her mind, and don’t force her to give in.” I responded. He paused for a moment before nodding and ran a hand through his hair and nodded. “Although sex shouldn’t just be because you want each other’s body. It’s about becoming one and giving yourself to the other; like a connection almost. If you love her a lot then you should know that you can wait.” He sighed. “I will wait until she’s ready but it’s hard.” I shook my head and giggled. “That’s what Daryl said so many times.” He scrunched his nose in disgust. “Okay I don’t need to know about your sex life thank you very much.” I side hugged him and we picked up the pace as we heard low growls and moans coming from the walkers.

        After walking for an hour, we got to the store that was covered with deserted cars and decaying bodies. I covered my nose with the sleeve of my sweater as I held up the hatchet that I had got then night Glenn… died.  I scanned the area and went toward an empty car with two figures in it. Cautiously I went towards it and saw them.. Glenn and Hershel were staring at me and their hands on the dirty windows. Carl grabbed onto my hand but I pulled away shocked. I put my hands on the glass and a whisper came as the breeze whisked my hair. “You’re next.” They both said in shock and I stumbled back in astonishment. “Wynter hey what’s wrong?” Carl asked concern filled his voice. I turned to Carl and glanced back at the car to see Glenn and Hershel vanish. I blinked and turned to him. “Sorry I thought I saw something.” I didn’t think though I really saw them although everyone would think I was delirious. Shaking my head I wiped my sleeve on the windows to get all the grime off and looked inside. There was a box full of supplies.  I smiled and I pulled Carl beside me and pointed to the box full of the supplies we needed. “Hell yes!” Carl yelled and he bent down and picked up a large stone. He smirked, and just as he threw it I yelled. “CARL!NO!” But it was too late. The car alarm blared in the murky sky and we both cursed. He opened the door and grabbed the supplies as we started running out of the area. “Oh shit! Shit!” We cursed in unison as we saw walkers trailing behind us. My heart raced and I pushed Carl in front of me. I began walking backwards and reloading my bow and shot at the walkers. Carl turned and shot accurately with his pistol and we ran as fast as we could down the street. Carl pointed to a car and We opened the car doors. “FUCK!” we yelled in unison as we realized there were no keys. Lying down on the car floor I yanked the wires out and began trying to light them to rev up the engine. “Wynter there’s walkers.” He warned as he held up his pistol. “Feed ‘em bullets till I get this damn car started!” I shouted in a panicked tone. He glanced back and all I heard was gunshots and reloading. Finally the wires sparked and the car started. “CARL!” I shouted but he couldn’t hear me over the firing of the gun. Grabbing onto him I pulled him in the car and slammed the door.  We climbed over the seats so I was now in the driver’s seat and he was in the passenger seat. I turned around and sped off quickly in the distance and Carl rested the box of supplies down at his shoes.

 A/N~ thanx for reading anyways I am going to end this book shortly very shortly. But I am making a 3rd book.... so hope u guys aren't getting sick of this series if so then i apologize. I haven't had the chance in a while to thank you all for reading my story and I also thank you all who have read the whole series and still continue to read it. Because it means a lot! Also I would like to say if any of you guys have any stories of yours that you want me to read i will be very happy to read ur stories! THANX FOR THE VOTES BTW ON BOTH OF MY STORIES!!!

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