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  Chaos, broken and destruction seemed to describe what the group felt after their loss of Wynter. The group had seen Rick and Carl fall off the wagon before but none of them had seen Daryl so broken and vulnerable before. For once in his life he could barely cope with the loss of his wife.  He was like shattered glass, one that was so broken it could never be fixed again. Skylar was taking it hard as well but not as hard as Daryl was hell nobody was. He turned back into his old self. He was constantly Distancing himself away from everybody except to his family; his brother in law, father in law and his daughter.

        Memories of Wynter constantly haunted Skylar and Daryl; especially in their dreams. Every night Skylar would scream and cry from a nightmare about her mother and every night her father would try his best to comfort her. Skylar always relied on her mother but now that she was gone she needed her father more than ever. Maggie was also the most shook up.

        Maggie cried in the bathroom, sobbing. She had officially lost everybody close to her. How was she supposed to raise a child with no family members or Wynter? Maggie was slumped against the walls, her eyes squeezed shut as tears stained her cheeks. How long she had been crying there she wasn’t sure. Her whole life around her like, Daryl and Skylar’s were falling apart. Without Wynter she had nobody to help her through the pregnancy or anything. Darkness occupied her mind and she looked up blearily to see a bottle of pills on the counter. It was right beside the stainless steel sink and on top of the marble counter. Her lips quivered as she hoisted herself up off the ground and snatched the pills in her hand. Had it really come down to this after all? With trying to survive for so long she just wanted to give up. She kept whispering. “End it.” To herself as if she had to convince herself to over dose on the medication. She cried harder as she opened the bottle up, locked inside the bathroom of the R.V. Shakily she poured the pills into her hand. “Maggie what are you doing?!” Skylar yelled. Quickly Maggie turned to see the little girl standing in the door way. Her mouth was agape and her blue eyes were widened. Skylar hadn’t shed a tear today, but this broke her little heart. She smiled weakly at Skylar and knelt down to her level. Maggie brushed strands of hair away from Skylar’s face and stared at her. “I was thinking foolishly. I’m sorry if I scared you.” Skylar hugged her. “I don’t want you to go either.” She whispered into Maggie’s hair. Maggie pulled away overcome with shock. “Sky I am not leaving you. Your mother said it was my job to look out for you and that’s what I’m going to do.” Maggie stated.
Skylar looked down at the ground. Every time something was brought up about her mother memories flooded through her mind which killed her inside. “Can we not talk about that please?” Skylar pleaded. Maggie understood and nodded before standing up. “Of course.” She replied before stepping out of the bathroom. Maggie veered off into another path. Why she wanted to kill herself struck her and left her wondering about what was she thinking?

        Daryl stood by a tree waiting for the rest of the group to get ready to head towards the city of Macon. They hadn’t actually made it out the state of Georgia but it sure as hell felt like it. Guilt constantly gnawed at him, and he took his anger out on the trees. He continued to slash a tree with his bowie knife. He continued to make lines in the tree. He hissed in pain as he accidently stabbed himself. “Fuck!” He growled breathing heavily. He paced back and forth; his emotions all building up inside of him. He drew in shaky breaths trying to contain himself from shedding a tear. How had he failed to keep her safe? Surely it was his fault wasn’t it? How was he supposed to keep his daughter safe? How was he supposed to care for his daughter and raise her properly? Those questions continued to circle around in his head. He became more frustrated with himself. His knees gave in and he fell to the ground. A tear rolled down his cheeks and blood dripped from his cut up hand. A cool breeze washed over him and he instinctively looked up. Light blinded him and he shielded his eyes. His mouth fell agape as he saw Wynter standing in front of him in a long white dress. She didn’t say anything just stared at him with a sad smile. He scrambled to his feet and went to touch her, but he couldn’t. “Yer not here.” He growled. She stood there with her long auburn hair, perfectly laid on her back. “Protect Skylar” She mouthed. Before he could even get a word out she disappeared into thin air. “What the fuck is wrong with me?!” He yelled frustratingly. An ear shattering scream could be heard. Skylar’s. He grabbed his knife and rushed toward the road where the scream was coming from.  A rotting corpse stood in front of his daughter and Daryl ran toward the walker. He toppled over it sending the brainless freak to the ground. He slammed his knife into its skull causing a crushing sound to occur. Her face was emotionless and he wiped the black blood off his face. He turned to his daughter. She looked at him and breathed heavily. “I’m sorry.” He stood and didn’t say anything for a moment. “Why are ya sorry?” He asked looking down at her. “I couldn’t kill it.” She answered. “Yer not supposed to kill em that ain’t yer job it’s mine.” He said. She nodded slowly and embraced him. “Thank you.” She replied. Carl rolled his eyes and stared at the girl pitifully. Why was she so damn useless anyway?

More than words ~Sequel to My GuardianWhere stories live. Discover now