Threats and torture

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The beatings continued but I refused to tell anyone if he hurt Daryl or Skylar I could never live with myself. I covered my bruises easily because he would never beat me anywhere he would get caught. I couldn’t even say his name I was so terrified, but of course I had to push all those feeling away or the group would notice something off. Sighing I walked up to Skylar. “Hey sweetie what are you drawing?” I asked my daughter as she continued to draw on the city hall floor. She turned to me and smiled her ocean eyes beaming. “I drew this for you.” She smiled and put it in my hands. Taking a better look at it I saw a drawing of a house and our group. She was pretty good drawer might I add. The house was made of brick and it was a lilac color and the roof was a white color. Hugging her tightly I kissed the top of her head. “Thank you I love it.” I told her. “I know.” She replied causing me to chuckle. “Hi Wynter! Can Skylar come play with Me, Carl and Hunter?” She asked and i smiled at my little sister. “Of course. Skylar always within eye distance of the group and Carl and Hunter alright.” She nodded frantically and ran toward the three. Giggling I made my way over to Daryl.
  “Morning’” He glanced at me as he continued getting ready for a supply run. He turned to me and looked to see if something was wrong. “Daryl I am fine honestly don’t worry about me.” I reassured him. He didn’t seem convinced and I placed my lips on his. He gave in and we pulled away breathlessly. I could feel eyes on me and I tensed. Daryl looked behind me to see that Luke was coming up. He looked at me quizzically and I shook my head and I walked away.
   Daryl left on the run and I was pulled aside by the devil. “I can tell you care for this group and your family but listen to me. You’re mine. Not his. If you want them to stay alive. You will come with me tonight where the group or family can’t bother us.” My heart shattered and I felt hopeless, pathetic and weak. He stroked my cheek and I tensed causing him to smirk. “Well then. I see you have taken my offer. It’s a shame really you could’ve still stayed with them if you didn’t fall for that redneck. It’s a pity really.” I pushed him roughly back and walked away. “Fine I accept your deal I’ve been through hell before I can go back.” I said before walking away back into the city hall I saw the group and Skylar and I couldn’t bring myself to say goodbye. This would be the hardest thing I have ever done. Distancing myself is the best so it’s not as hard. Luke gave me one more look before going and talking to Rick who smiled at him. Going in a room I locked the door and slumped against the wall. A tear fell and I buried my head into my knees.
Daryl’s P.O.V.

   I  was on a run with Carl and Hunter. We were at a store and started getting supplies. I strolled down an aisle and picked up some canned food and some toys for the kids. There was a scream from Hunter and I raced over to see three guys beating her. Carl and I glanced quickly at one another before jumping in and killing the 3 guys. “Hunter are ya alright?” I asked her as Carl cupped her face but she stood up and pushed his hand away. “I’m fine. Let’s go.” She said picking up the bags of medical supplies. Something went off in my head and everything clicked. The fear in Hunter’s eyes and the tensing was the same as Wynter’s. I used to have that same look in my eyes when my dad used to beat me. I tensed and I knew why Wynter was acting different. That sick son of a bitch was beating Wynter. Who knows what else he’s done. My blood boiled and my mind went to Skylar. If her touches Skylar I will kill him. He’s going to wish he was dead when I get back. I sped up not even caring how fast I was going. I had to get back to Wynter and Skylar. “Daryl slow the fuck down!” Hunter yelled from the back seat. Ignoring her I continued driving fast.

   As soon as we got back I got out and gripped onto my knife. “Where the fuck is he?!” I growled as I pushed past the group. “Who?” Rick asked. “Luke.” I answered. He looked at me quizzically. “He went with Hunter into the forest and went hunting.” I tensed and I froze. “How long have they been gone?” I asked breathing heavily. “4 hours Daryl what the hell is wrong with you?” Rick asked me and I snapped. “HE’S FUCKING GOING TO BEAT HER TO DEATH!!” I shouted pacing back and forth. “What the hell are ya talking about? I picked Luke to be my daughter’s fiancé so long ago he wouldn’t lay a hand on her!” Rick argued.

        “WHAT THE FUCK WAKE UP RICK! SHE’S DISTANT AND SHE IGNORED ALL OF US TODAY AND NOW SUDDENLY SHE LEFT WITH HIM? SHE TREMBLES AT THE SIGHT OF HIM! YOU REALLY THINK I’M MAKING THIS SHIT UP!?” the whole group was taken aback by my anger but I didn’t care. The realization hit Rick and he stumbled back. “Oh my god what the hell have I done.” He had his head in his hands. “What direction did they go?!” Glenn pointed and got out his pistol and Michonne unsheathed her katana.

        “We’re going with you.” I didn’t allow it at first but I finally gave in. “Rick you need to watch Skylar.” I told him. He cocked his head. “I’m going with you I-I have to. This is all my fault he hit his hand on the hood of the car in frustration and anger. “No your place is here. I will get her back, but you need to watch Skylar for me.” He continued to push but finally I managed to convince him to stay here.

        “Are you leaving daddy?” Skylar’s voice filled my ears and I knelt down to her level. “Don’t worry I’ll be back and I’m going to bring mommy home.” She smiled and embraced me tightly. I hugged her back and she pulled away and I walked into the forest with Michonne and Glenn. The bastard is so fucking dead.

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