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I gasped and sputtered blood and I slowly opened my eyes to see my dad mourning. Curious I sat up on the bed and he turned to me. My mind automatically thought about the baby. "Oh my god where is Skylar is she okay?" I questioned. "She's fine Wynter we thought we lost you... You weren't breathing for a couple minutes there was no pulse and you were out for 3 days after we got a very faint pulse." My father explained and he put his hand against my forehead to check if I  had a fever. "Where are they?" I asked referring to Daryl and my daughter. "Don't worry they are both fine. They are in the bedroom-" he was cut off by the door opening to reveal my child and my husband. Tears of joy streamed down my face and I smiled and He passed me Skylar. As soon as I laid eyes on her I felt love for her. She was the most beautiful human being I have ever seen. Daryl smiled and he kissed me with passion. "I thought I lost you..." He breathed out and I looked into his blue eyes. "You and Skylar won't lose me." Looking back down at our child I took in all her features. Her soft Caucasian skin. Her Icy blue eyes and dark brown hair. She lit up the room, with her very existence. I rose from the bed and walked into Skylar's and Judith's room. There were two cribs, toys and it was painted lilac. It was maxing what the group could do in a very short period of time. "This is where she sleeps?" I asked and Daryl nodded, coming up beside me as I held her. "She's beautiful like her mom." Daryl whispered and I looked up at him with a smile plastered on my face. Carol walked into the room greeting us with a smile. "Wynter you can go get something to eat, I'll watch Skylar." She offered as she took Skylar out of my arms.

    Since I was now a mother I was almost as protective as Daryl was with Skylar. I thought for a moment before slowly nodding. Daryl led me out of the room and down the stairs to the kitchen. "Why is everyone... Different and how did you guys manage to get the nursery together?" I questioned as we walked into the kitchen where Glenn and Maggie were eating a bowl of grapes. "Daryl told us to get all of this ready." Glenn replied embracing me tightly. Maggie hugged me as well and they let go. "Are you feeling alright?" Daryl and Glenn asked in unison. Chuckling I ate a grape. "I'm fine. Glad to be alive and I'm hungry as Hel- heck." I stopped myself from swearing. "Why did ya stop in the middle of swearin' ya curse like a trucker." Rolling my eyes Maggie passed me some salad she made. Taking the bowl I took a bit and it was delicious. "I don't want to swear that much near Skylar." I responded. "Wow you're really taking this mother thing seriously." Glenn said, and my father walked in. "Good she should." He replied taking a sip of water. "But Rick don't you think she's taking this a little to serious?" My father stared at him for a moment before shaking his head. "No mother is too protective of her child." He came over and embraced me. "Skylar is a true Dixon. Quiet, gets upset easily and doesn't like to sleep." Giggling at Ricks statement I embraced him again. "What's that supposed to mean?" Daryl questioned pretending to he offended. Shaking my head I grabbed some formula from the cabinet and started making my way up the steps.

     After feeding Skylar I cradled her in my arms before she fell asleep. When I got to Daryl and I's room I laid down on the bed. Being a mother is exhausting and this is only my first day. Sighing I was ripped away from my thoughts to see Rick standing in front of the doorway. "Exhausting ain't it?" He asked and I nodded earning a chuckle in response. "Daryl went hunting and on a run. I suggest you rest." He told me. "I've been sleeping for the past 3 days dad." He shrugged. "I don't think it matters you need to rest." Sighing heavily I obeyed and ran my hand through my hair, before he left.

    I was excited and scared to be a mother but I would not let this world bring my little girl down. I would make sure she would be happy and safe.

Hey guys so I am time skipping a few years? Is that okay because I want you guys to see Skylar's personality and her character because its kind of hard to do that when she is a baby. Hope you guys don't mms I know there is a lot of time skips and I apologize for that. Thanx for reading 

More than words ~Sequel to My GuardianWhere stories live. Discover now