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Sophie sat in her bedroom and sighed as she placed a hand on her stomach and sighed. She didn't know what she was going to do. She knew that she was pregnant and that she was terrified and she didn't know what she was going to do. There was a knock at the door and she smiled as Madison walked in "I think we need to talk" Madison said as Sophie sighed "you haven't told my dad have you?" "No, but I think that you need to" Madison said as Sophie looked to her and sighed "he will kick off" "he will, but you need to tell him unless your not plan one on keeping it. I know how you feel, I went through it with Evie. Your feeling scared and don't know if you'll be a good mum and I know max will be angry at first but he will help you, if it's what you want" Madison said as Sophie looked to her and smiled

"I promise you that I won't tell max, not until you are ready and until you decide what you want to do" Madison said as Sophie looked to her and smiled "thanks" Sophie said "have you seen Evie" Madison asked as Sophie shock her head "in her room, dad yelled out her for making a mess" Sophie said as Madison sighed "I really don't know what a going on with her at the minute" Madison said as Sophie smiled. Sophie knew that something had happened to her little sister but she had no idea what it was or how she could help her "she's a toddler, she's going through a stage. She'll be okay" Sophie said as Madison looked to her and smiled "I hope that your right as I can't help but feel as if it's more" Madison said as Sophie looked to her and smiled


Sophie got to school and walked to toms classroom. He looked to her and smiled as she asked in "Are you okay?" He asked as she sighed "I don't know, I'm scared. There's life growing in me and I feel terrified" she said as Tom walked over to her and smiled "life we created, it's going to be okay, I am going to look after you. I promise I am not going anywhere as I love you" Tom said as Sophie looked to him and smiled as he leant in and kissed Her. Sophie felt terrified but knew that with Tom, she felt as if she could do anything. She felt as if she could be a good mum to her baby


Sophie got home and sighed as she walked into the kitchen. She looked to Evie and smiled "hey what's up eviekins" Sophie said using her nickname "I can't tell ou" Evie said as Sophie frowned "why not" "he kill ou" "who will" "granny's boyfwiend, he touch me and said o can't tell, he said he kill ou, and mummy and daddy" Evie said as Sophie felt her blood boil as she realised Adam had been abusing her little sister. "I'll be back" Sophie said as she wakes into the living room where Madison and max were arguing "there's something you need to know, it's about Evie. She's being abused.."

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