Chapter Forty-One

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A lot can change in two years, people can change a lot in two years. Sometimes circumstances can cause people to change or it just simply happens automatically. 

Of course, the majority of these changes are physical but the deeper changes often happen within one's mental state. 

Both of these changes were the case with a certain group of five people on the run, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Sam Wilson, Aquila Cadman, and Quinn Greene.

Throughout the last two years, the five of them had spent on the run, the physical changes were more apparent. 

Natasha had cut all her hair off again before bleaching it blonde, Steve now had a beard and Aquila had also cut her long brown hair to her collarbones, a much more manageable length while on the run. Quinn although having previously had no experience in fighting now worked quite well while fighting with the rest of the team with the aid of both Natasha and Aquila's old weapons. 

But the mental changes were still there, just slightly hidden beneath the surface. 

A phone call by Bruce Banner of all people had been the last thing the five of them had expected, especially considering he had disappeared shortly after the defeat of Ultron, nearly three years ago. 

But needless to say, the five of them now found their way to Edinburgh, Scotland, where they believed was the last location Vision and Wanda had been considering they had stopped staying in contact for some alone time.  

Aquila completely understood what they wanted, being on the run meant that Aquila didn't get all the alone time she wanted with Natasha, and she knew that Steve and Quinn definitely felt the same way but that didn't mean that their actions were excused. 

According to Bruce, they were under a real threat, more vicious than any other threat they had faced before. Instead of one planet being affected by the Avengers' eventual failure, an entire universe was at stake.  And, that very threat was after the stone that was embedded in Vision's head. 

The night was still in Edinburgh, but from her spot meters in the air, Aquila could clearly see the chaos happening below. 

Wanda and Vision had put up quite a fight, but it wouldn't quite be enough, especially against the foes they were currently facing. 

One of these foes threw her weapon across the train tracks to where Steve stood, he caught it with ease, distracting everyone with his sudden appearance. 

Aquila took the opportunity, her huge eagle form flying down before she kicked the person who had thrown her weapon at Steve, across the platform, her body smashing through shopfronts. 

Sam flew above her as he began fighting at the other one. Steve threw the weapon that he had caught to Natasha who deftly caught it before engaging in a fight with the male alien with Quinn not too far behind. 

For the five of them fighting together had become second nature, it was practically like a well-choreographed dance routine at this point. 

Aquila swooped down, attacking from all angles as Steve prevented the female who had picked her own weapon back up from attacking Natasha and Quinn who was occupied with their own fight. 

Eventually, Sam swooped down for the last time, kicking the female one last time who crawled over to her fallen teammate, before standing beside Natasha, Steve, Quinn and Aquila who had transformed back. 

"Get up." She commanded. 

"I can't."

"We don't wanna kill you. But we will." Natasha said, coolly, glaring at both of them. 

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