Chapter 23

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(Rhodes and everyone else land in front of peppers house)
Rhodes:ok remember be sympathetic but also stay strong we need her or we will fail and we have to promise to keep her alive we can't do that to Morgan
(They knock on the door)
(Pepper answers the door she sees the group and closes it)
Rhodey:Pepper please
(They open the door)
Steve: everyone spread out if you find her give her a heartfelt speech
Clint:come on Pepper think about Tony he would want you to help we need you look Red Skull took out families and Tony would have helped
Steve: also do not worry about dying we will really try to protect you we will never leave Morgan alone with no one to watch her.
Happy:I will watch her while you fight
Pepper: I will have to think about it
( Pepper goes into another room)
Rhodey: I'm really worried
Thor:don't worry she'll join
Rhodey: how do you know
Thor: if I learned anything from noobmaster69 it is that they always come back at least twice before they give up
Rhodey: you can't be serious
(Pepper comes out all suited up)
Pepper:let's finish this
Rhodey: really what made you change your mind?
Pepper: that's not important right now
Rhodey: Pepper
Pepper: fine I will tell you he got Morgan with the reality stone he somehow knew you were going to come get me and must have thought if I do not join it will be because he took my daughter. Well he had got another thing coming. Nobody takes my daughter and gets away with it.

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