Chapter 46

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"So this'll hold him?"
"Yes! He will never hurt anyone again" they locked Doctor Strange up in a power neutralizer cell. Mia walked up to Wong.
"I can not thank you enough! You saved not only mine but my brother's life as well!" Mia told him
"I'm sorry i am just a little confused... why would you choose to help us? And where the hell have you been this whole time?" Dylan asked.
"I was away dealing with another mission. I was not aware this was happening. I was taking on a private mission to get back peace and serenity for a year. I didn't know this was happening. It took me a while to get back but when I did I found out that Strange had written down his plan. I can not serve someone who is so evil. Especially after most of those people are the ones who brought us back after we turned to dust."
So that was that. An unlikely hero saved all of them. It seemed like a dream come true after this torturous battle there was actually a final end. And it was a good one. Everyone on the team was so relieved to be done fighting.

*time skip*
Everyone was in the Avengers tower resting after the big fight. Mia was in the kitchen thinking over everything that happened. Her life had changed drastically in the past week. But she was feeling conflicted. What if they only needed her for this one battle. What if she doesn't have all it takes to actually be an Avenger. Sure she helped but she was not the hero of the story. She always knew that she was the kid who the story was never about and she was foolish to think that she could be her brother's hero.
"You said we could talk after the battle so here I am!"
Mia jumped not expecting to hear anyone's voice. She turned around and saw Peter. She sighed.
Peter frowned knowing something was wrong.
"Hey why are you upset?"
"I don't know. I'm glad we won and I'm really happy Wong saved our lives but I kinda wanted to be the hero. I wanted to save my brother's life. He has saved me so many times that all I really wanted to do was return the favor. Just once but I guess I can't even do that."
"Mia you did save him. You were able to find him. If you didn't he would be dead right now and you know it." Mia sighed. Peter was sorta right but she was hoping she could've been badass to save lives like Nat was able to do.
"I mean you're right but the girls in this group are badass and I cannot measure up to them. And it isn't because they are older and more experienced. Lila is just about as experienced as me and is my age and she is way more badass than me and it really sucks."
"Mia you do not have to be badass you have such a good heart! You are an amazing superhero because you care deeply about everyone you save even if you don't know them. A lot of the girls in the group care more about beating up the bad guys and while that is fun it is not what makes someone a hero. A hero is helping someone when they are in need and that is what you did! So in my eyes you absolutely saved the day!"
"Thank you Peter does this mean you trust me again?"
Peter hugged her "I am sorry I doubted you I never will again!" In the other room Dylan was helping Steve plan to ask Natasha out.
"Look she's about to walk in just ask her then!" Natasha walks in just like Dylan said and cocks an eyebrow as they were both standing there smiling nervously.
"What were you losers talking about this time?"
"Steve come on ask her!" Dylan encouraged.
"Ask me what?" Nat asked genuinely confused. She had no idea what Steve could possibly need to ask her and why he would be so nervous. Of course there's the obvious reason but she really does not think Steve likes her in that way and would want to pursue a relationship. "Nat I really like you will you go out with me?"
"Of course I can not believe it! I never thought you felt that way about me!" They kissed. Lila walked in and sat beside Dylan.
"So they're a couple now?"
"Uh huh"
"Are we a couple?" Dylan looked at her taken aback by the question.
"Do you want to be?"he asked.
"Yeah I really do. I really like you and it would be awesome to try out a relationship with you!" They smiled at each other. Dylan could not believe it everyone was happy. Just then the comfortable silence was interrupted. Clint and Quill ran into the room.
"Oh no what happened?" Steve asked.
"We are going to throw a party!"Clint says.
"Yeah so we gotta start planning!" Quill said. Him and Clint started doing dance moves as the rest of the team looked at then weirdly. Lila covered her eyes extremely embarrassed. Why must her Dad embarrass her especially in front of her new boyfriend? It is really so frustrating when he's like this!
"What is going on here?" Peter asked as he and Mia walked in.
"We're throwing a party like Tony used to!"
"Oh sick! Those parties were so much fun!" He directed the last part to the twins as they had never met Tony and therefore had never been to one of god parties.
"Guys I thought it was an emergency!" Cap said.
"Throwing a party and not having the preparations is an emergency! Now we're gonna go prepare we will see you later today! Clint and Quill walked away. " I  really don't know how those two helped us win!" Cap said.

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