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🌄Chapter 31🌄

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🌄Chapter 31🌄

BRANISH WAS SURPRISINGLY deserted. There was not a single person in sight from what Y/N could see. Sure it was nighttime, but it wasn't even that late. Where the hell is everyone?

The streetlights dimly lit up the bare streets that were paved along rows and rows of buildings. Only a few lights can be seen through the windows in people's homes, the town otherwise dead. Even their footsteps could be heard echoing down the road.

"Maybe cause you're a fatass," The author grumbled under her breath.

Y/N brushed off her nagging insults, not wanting to deal with it at the moment. She watched as Remi tossed on her "X" hoodie, putting on the hat and mask as well. When she finished changing into her costume, she handed Y/N a Bluetooth that would allow them to communicate with Blyke and Isen.

"Pink to red." She used their code names, which if you couldn't tell corresponded to their hair colors. Brilliant. I know. "Are you guys ready?"

"Red to pink and H/C. Yeah, we're ready." We're in position." Y/N heard through her end.

Responding into the mic, Y/N said, "Alright. We'll start looking around."

The pair started jogging the perimeter, surveying the area for anything. Nothing seemed to catch Y/N's attention until she made eye contact with a resident looking out their window. Remi stopped when she saw the woman too.

"Hey, excuse me miss! Can you please tell us what's going on around here?"

The lady gritted her teeth, violently shutting her curtains. "Leave me alone! I don't have anything to give you!"

In the corner of her eye, another person quickly shut their blinds.

"Uh, nobody wants to talk to us," Remi told Blyke and Isen. (Story of my life)

The sarcasm was clear in Isen's voice. "Gee I wonder why? That costume is top notch. And Y/N totally isn't dressed like a burglar. I see no reason why anybody would want to avoid you guys at all! Wait—there's someone! Guy—er—girl, next left!"

"Got it!"

They left no time to waste and rounded the nearest corner to see an around 30 year old men's with lime green hair banging loudly on the door of a home.
"HEY! Open up! This is mandatory!"

A woman's voice pleaded on the other side of the door. "Please go away! I just paid you last week! I have nothing left!"

"You want to live in this area right? Then you gotta pay the damn fee! If you don't open up right now, I'm busting in!"

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