Scolds bridles

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(Okay so for the next few chapters, thank you so fucking much to LokiOfEarth. He wrote loads of chapters for me since I was lacking motivation to to daily tasks, so things like this book and other hobbies I enjoy were just too difficult for me. I won't go into much detail about that, but basically I couldn't write. I also really wanted to start publishing this book soon. However, I didn't want to do that until I got to a certain point. Thanks to him, I was able to post it when I want to and was also able to spend a little more time focusing on myself because I wasn't as stressed with this darn book. So honestly, huge huge thank you. I'm not going to put a thank you comment in every chapter they wrote because of three reasons:
1, I don't want to bore you
2, if I did I'd probably annoy him so much that he would kill me lol
And 3, I'm like pretty sure nobody is reading them anyway so like okay

But I will tell you when it is me writing again just so you know how much he wrote for me (in a day as well... like how). Honestly, I'm so grateful I can't even put it into words.

Also, any typos it's his fault because it's a well known fact I don't edit shit so why would I edit this 😂😂😂😂😂

But a n y w a y

Here is the chapter 😂)

Tony eventually made one too many snippy comments for Steve's liking. In fact, Steve got so pissed off that he got a scold's bridle and locked it upon Tony's head. He smiled that creepy yet somehow endearing smile.
"Now, I think that might just shut you up for a while, huh?"
Tony shrugged. Steve left the room, and went into Peter's.

"Look who's come to visit. I'm hungry." Peter said.
"Oh, are you? That sucks."
"Yeah, it does. But oh well. You don't want me to heal so I'm not allowed to eat. Fun times."
Steve chuckled. "For me, yes."
"Big fucking strokey nonce." Peter quipped back.
Steve gave Peter a... well, kind of a... it was a bit indescribable, the look he gave him, but I'll try my best. It was... suggestive, but in a joking way. But at the same time, not joking? See what I mean by indescribable. "I thought you liked me. I thought we were friends." Steve faked pouted.
"Well no. Because that's Stockholm syndrome. And that's gross."
Steve laughed. "Oh, well, you're not wrong, but..." he pulled out another scold's bridle.
"Well that's a shame. These conversations are the only interesting thing in my otherwise boring life."
Steve shrugged and put the bridle on Peter.

Peter was just hoping this wouldn't last very long because it was kind of annoying to wear. He couldn't even talk to his dad now. Which was kind of the point.
Steve smiled and left.

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