Figure it out

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((I'm so sorry it's been so long between updates recently. I still have preqritten stuff but I just haven't posted it))

Bucky was remembering everything through nightmares which were accompanied by sweat. When Tony gently shook him, he jumped up instantly.
"Are you okay..?"
"Wha...I... n-no..?"
Tony handed him some coffee, "Do you want to talk about it?"

Bucky nodded, and told Tony that he had remembered everything. Every little detail, and he hated it. He was scared and upset and confused. Tony hugged him and tried to comfort him while trying not to cry himself.

"I-I don't know... what m-made him turn s-so evil..."
"We'll figure it out." Tony promised him.
"Really?" He sobbed more.
"Yeah. Whatever it is, we'll work it out. That doesn't mean we will be able to fix it, but we'll at least know why."
Bucky smiles through his tears,

Tony used his pyjama sleeve to wipe away some of Bucky's tears, causing him to smile a little more. He smiled in return and Bucky hugged him again, still sniffling and shaking a little. Tony continued to comfort him.

Eventually he calmed down, his head still rested on Tony's shoulder before he soon drifted off into a dreamless sleep. Tony pulled the blankets over him and ran his fingers through his hair, but other than that he didn't dare to move and wake him up.

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