Flower crowns and braided hair

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(Lockdown sucks, so have a chapter)

"Alright, I'll be back in a bit!" Tony called out to the other two. It was spring, and he was going out to get some flowers so that the trio could make flower crowns.
"Don't get into trouble!"
"No promises!"
Tony laughed and closed the door, "Oh gosh."

In all honesty, Peter was upset, but also angry. The spiderling loved spring, and his dad knew that. It annoyed him that he couldn't go out, even now. He knew pushing Tony to let him leave the house didn't exactly go well last time, and he didn't want to do that again. What bothered him was the fact he didn't know when he would be allowed out. At the moment, top priority was Bucky's memories. Then, it was probably going to be to just deal with the trauma and getting back into normal living standards which the three hadn't quite accomplished yet. Not that it was gonna be harder since they couldn't go out. And only then would Steve be dealt with.

But that was another thing that didn't quite sit right with Peter. That was the fact that Steve still hadn't come for them. It's not like he wanted him to, obviously, but he was surprised he hadn't. They escaped in December and the maniac still hadn't done anything to.. well, for lack of a better word, reclaim them. It baffled him, but he knew how Steve's brain worked. He would probably want the three to heal again, to feel safe again. And then, when it seemed as though things were getting better, that's when he would decide to strike. But at the same time, he had a weird feeling that.... that just wasn't it. It was a possibility that maybe Steve had gotten bored, decided that leaving them to rot would be a better idea and hadn't noticed. Or maybe he wanted to work out how they escaped before he threw them back into those rooms. Whatever it was, it was bothering Peter. But he didn't want to tell his dad that. Peter thought that Tony probably wondered the same thing, and it would worry him to know that Peter was concerned about it too. So, he thought it best to pretend it wasn't all he could think about recently.

And if Bucky noticed how deep in thought he was, he didn't mention it.

Around 30 minutes later, Tony got back with a shit ton of flowers. And the other two Barnes' jaws both dropped to the floor. Peter's in amazement, and Bucky's in a 'what the hell are those and why do we need them' sort of way.

"Guys I got flowers!"
"We can see that!"
"Who wants to make flower crowns?!"
"Flower crowns. You make little crown sort of things out of flowers and put them on your head because they're cute." Peter explained.
"O-oh. Okay."
"It's fun."
"I get a flower, and you get a flower, and youuuuu get a flowerrrr."
"Yay a flower!"

They spent ages on the crowns, and it was just like:


Tony plopped his flower crown on Bucky's head, who looked confused for a moment. Did Tony not want his for himself? But then he worked out what was happening, and he put his on Tony's. Peter called Ned because flower crowns were fabulous, and he should get to make them too.

"Hey Peter, what's up?" He answered cheerfully.
"We're making flower crowns and you should join us."
Ned gasped, "Yes!"
"I'll be over in 10!"
"BAI! LOVE YOU!!" Ned hung up and full on ran to the tower.

He burst through the door Kool-Aid Man style.

Bucky lent over and leaned into Tony's ear, "Wha... what are they doing..?"
Tony shrugged and whispered back, "Nobody knows. I don't even think they do, but they do it all the time."

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