Chapter 5

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She woke up the next morning to Josh nudging her. She opened her eyes and squinted up at him.

"What time is it?"

"It's 8, come on" he urged.

She yawned and rubbed her eyes then got out of bed and followed Josh to the living room. She loved seeing his face light up when he saw all the presents under the tree. It reminded her of when he was a little boy and she felt a little sad as she realized christmas mornings like this were numbered. She sat on the couch and he started sorting the presents. Most were for him but there were a few for her, which she had bought for herself while shopping with Josh. She was surprised when he handed her a small box with a little silver bow on top.

"What's this? When did you buy this?"

"Not from me" he shrugged.

She looked at the box confused. She looked for a tag but didn't find one. Josh ripped open his presents and she slowly unwrapped the small box. Inside was a ring and a small note that simply said "To: Ash From: Santa"

She took the ring out and looked at it. It was a white gold band with a beautiful diamond and 2 blue saphires. Her eyes began to water. It was exactly like her grandma's ring that her ex had stolen. She had described it to Noel months ago and told him how she wished she still had it. He had a ring made to match it exactly. She wiped her eyes and slid it onto her finger.

"What's wrong?"

She jumped at the sound of Josh's voice.

She looked at him and he looked back concerned.

"Noel had a ring made that looks exactly like my grandma's ring."

"The one stolen?"

He walked over and sat next to her to examine the ring.

"Yeah" she smiled.

"Looks nice"

"Looks really nice."

"Mom, do you like him?" He looked at her.



"Of course, he's great."

"But you're not like gonna date him or anything right?"

She wondered if he had somehow seen them kiss and her heart began beating faster.

"No, I...we're just friends."

"Ok, good."

He got up and went back to his presents and she sat watching him and trying not to stare at the ring. She waited until he was in bed that night to call Noel.


"You didnt have to get me anything."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Hmm, well this mysterious ring was under the tree and it looks exactly like my grandma's that I told you about awhile ago."

"Nothing to do with me Ash, did you check the tag?"

"It said Santa" she smiled.

"See? So it couldn't have possibly been from me."

"You're such a liar." She grinned.

She heard him laughing gently on the other end. A surge of emotions suddenly washed over her and her smile faded and she felt like crying again.

"Thank you, it looks just like hers, it's beautiful."

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