☆Chapter Six☆ A bloody mess

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Might as well say this before the chapter begins! This story isn't that much on the timeline that is going on the anime. Things happen faster or even later in the story!

After the encounter with Todoroki you quickly made your way home to make your dinner, yet once if you finish eating you fall into sweet sleep.~

Your POV-




    I groaned with my eyes still remaining closed as my hand make it's the way to my bedside table to grab my phone. Once I felt it I picked it up harshly to stop the horrible noise that was my alarm clock. I quickly to a glance at the time seeing it was 6:42. 'God..I have to get ready, get on the fucking train and all that bullshit..' I lazily got out of my bed as slipped on the slippers close to my bed. I picked up my phone and started getting ready. 

Timeskip~ You finished up getting ready for the second day of UA, yet once you made your way to the train station and got on, Bakugo didn't bother you this morning? All well, to UA you go!

    I slight yawn escaped my lips as I walked up the stairs to my school. "Y/N!" I turned my head around to see it was Urarka with a few other girls in our homeroom class. "Oh hey Uraraka, Tsu isn't it?" I asked walking towards them a bit. "Yup!" Tsu said with a small smile on her face.

 "How is your morning going so far?" Uraraka asked as we continued to walk up the steps. "It's been pretty good actually, Bakugo hasn't bothered me yet." I replied while opening the door for the two girls. "You mean the guy with the ashy blonde spikey hair?" Tsu asked whilst we put things into our locker. 

    "Yeah him, he and I have the same train to and from school, the first day he was coming for me for something stupid.." I rolled my eyes as I remembered the events that played out the first night I met him. 

    "Man, I knew I got this bad vibe from him!" Uraraka said putting her hands into tiny fists. I laughed a bit at her cute expression as we made our way to our classroom. I slouched down into my seat as Tsu took her seat next to me. Before class begins, I decided to look through my phone for something that would catch my interest.  Yet as I was about to click something I felt a small tap on my shoulder. I averted my gaze from my phone and look up to see Todoroki. 

  "Hey, Todo," I said with a smile on my face. "Goodmorning Y/N, surprised on how your not tired from being out that late." he replied to me with a small chuckle at the end. "Trust me, I could pass out right here right now." I told him as I laid my head onto the desk. 

    "That makes more sense, I'll talk to you later Y/N." he gave me another one of his signature small waves and took his seat in the back of the class. Students started to pile into the classroom as the bell was about to ring. My father had made it to the door once the bell actually rang. "Goodmorning everyone....today-" yet right on time someone busted through the door. "I AM HERE, coming in as a hero!"

    Soon people gasped at All Might walking into the classroom and cheering of happiness. "Woah, so is that really All Might?!" Kaminari blutered out with a smile on his face. "You're not meant to be-" yet again All Might cut of my father by saying, "I will be teaching you all the most important class here at UA, Hero 101, in this class you'll be learning to fight in the name of good and how to become a pro!" 

    "Today's lesson is going to be combat training with one and other, anDDDDDdd one of the important keys of being a hero is looking good!" and so on right on time the sides on the walls came out and numbers boxes in shelves along with them. "Those quirk registration forms along with the requestion you sent in for you hero costume to the school." more cheers were let out in the classroom as I felt a small smirk go onto my lips. "Everyone, get ready and meet me at Training Ground Beta!" All Might yelled before he finally left the classroom.

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