Rockville Chronicles:Justin

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Rating PG-13


At the year 2009 A Secret Battle is happening. America is fighting North Korea. So America is losing badly so they have a idea to create a man made human from the Relic of the mind. They give him super strength,super speed,durability,advanced eyesight,he also has the same Buster sword that Mitch Conner had  in Kevin's story. He also has gun that shot  bullets made out poisonous mercury.  So after America created Justin the mind relic was stolen by North Korea.

So the man is 6'4 and he's 240 pounds and has blonde hair.  They named him Justin and trained him. Then assigned on a mission with a  young Caucasian   18 year old girl named Jennifer  and a male named Spencer who has a blonde ponytail.

Jennifer,Spencer,and Justin were assigned to a mission to steal the Mind Relic at a hidden at warehouse in North Korea.They flew to it the warehouse, then battled a soldiers protecting the hideout.  The North Korea guards that shot guns at Justin. Justin moved at speed of sound and slashed his sword at  one of the guards cutting him in half.  Spencer then shot Ak-47 at a North Korean guard that hit him in the head killing him. Jennifer then shot her pistols at 3 of the guards killing them. 

Justin punched a a guard in the chest and then  stabbed another with his giant sword. They then killed all the people guarding the the warehouse. They then went into the warehouse.Then stole  the mind relic. Spencer then picked up the relic.  Spencer hid it in his pocket. Then a missile hit Justin in the back making him fall on his face. Then a man with a metal arm holding a gun and had a katana appeared. He had red hair and was a warrior mask covering his face. Justin got up and fought the warrior.

The Warrior had the same powers has Justin. Justin nearly  defeay The warrior until the man diasspered. Justin,Angela,and Spencer went back to D.C to talk to the President.

"So Mr President we've intralted the hideout and we got the weapon.Turns out the've used it to create a warrior like me,Justin said.

"Because it's look anybody can match up to me and my powers right."

"Well Justin somebody just did now we  have another mission  there have been reports of a mass murder. From are decipations people said he is fast and if you blink you may die we are assigning you,Jennifer, and man name Hank,Obama said. 

"We've sent are best police but all of them been murder we have a feeling that it can be traced by the warrior you've fought."

Hank then walked in the room.

"The location of were going to is  Frankfort,Kenctucy we will flying in a Tiltrotors and we need you guys because were doing a stealth job and your the best spies we got,Hank said.

4 hours later.

They landed at a military hideout then they went inside the bases. They also recruited 7 other people for the mission.  They recruit a person who's being in the miltary for 20 years  Miles Scott,a rookie cadet Travis Willaims,A great  sniper Thomas Rodgers, A former female wrestler Amelia Rivera, and a Army general Steven  Reeds. So 3 hours later the went the underground at The warrior's hideout. The hideout was like a Ancient Chiense temple. There were drawing of Ancient Dragons and Budda statues. They snuck to the vents of hideout. There were samurai and ninja guarding the Temple.

Justin had his Buster Sword a his gun.  The warrior was in the middle of executing people with his katana.    Justin killed one ninja steathly. Then  Jennifer disguised her self as ninja. Then Hank set on bomb timer that last for 2 hours. Then they discussed  the plan. 

The plan is to first disguise some people ninja as ninja's then they started a battle at the hideout causing Justin and The warrior to fight.

The plan worked pretty well until The warrior new what the plan was. The warrior killed most the soldiers. Then the warrior fought Justin.  He nearly killed Justin until  Hank shot the warrior with a gun. The bullet didn't do nothing.  

"Bullshit that's imspossible,Hank said.

"I got super healing,The warrior replied.

The warrior then punched Hank in the chest. Then the warrior stabbed and killed Hank in the chest killing him. 

Jennifer then ran and fought the warrior. Then Jennifer losted the battle against The warrior. Then the warrior telported away with Hank's dead body. The bomb then set off and exploded destroying the Temple.

  A few hours later.

The renaming of the Temple crumbled on top of Justin. Justin got up from his back being on the ground and searched for survivors. Jennifer was the only survior. Jennifer was unconscious an .

A few days later.

Jennifer woke up at Military Building. Justin was sitting in a chair next to her. 

"So Justin what happened,Jennifer asked.

"The warrior teleported with Hank's dead body."

"Now we back at D.C at military base that as a hospital,Justin replied.

Then a Soldier called said that the Secretary of Defense needed Justin. So Justin walked to the Secreatry of Defensive's office.Justin then was greeted by a hand shake.

"I'm Benjamin Floyd I used to work with Hank."

"Justin we I got a call from The President saying you failed to defeat the warrior."

"We trained you to suceed and yet you failed this man is know a first degree criminal,Benjamin said.

"We are sending now are best Swat teams,black ops,tanks, and you to invade him and his clan."

"What that could lead to harming many people especially destroying many people's houses over a warrior and a clan,Justin replied..

"Look I'm a Secretary of Defense  when I tell you to do shit you do that shit,Floyd declared.

"Besides I also need info about  the information about his powers."

"He has super strength and super speed,Justin said he then walked  out of the room.

Then Justin  walked down the stairs. He was in 200 foot tall building and the secratry office was at the top. Then swat guards fought Justin on the stairs. Justin wasn't equipped with his weapons so he fought with his hands. He knocked out most of the swat guards until one pushed him over the stairs. Justin fell 500 feet from the ground on his back. Justin got up then went and went ran to the garage undeground. 

He then got his Buster Sword his guns and  motorcycle. He then drove to away from the Miltary Base. Then tanks were surronding the street to leave the base. Justin got off his Bike then destroyed the tank with his Buster Sword.  Justin then got on his motorcycle  and drove away from the building.

At Secretary of Defense Office.

Benjamin  shapeshifit to a North Korean female. 

"Wow now Tevin well be pleased to get make everyone seem like Justin is a criminal,she said.

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