Justin Age of Pain: Chapter 1

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At a Science Resarch Faculity. 

Location: Germany

Date: November  4/1938

Nazi Scienctist are making using he energy of the mind relic  they found and a human capsule creating a man  made man. They then created the man.

"I have a mission for you  help us win this war,Hilter said.

"I will never fail you."

Time Skip Date. November,4,2013

At the Gym.

Justin is lifting 1,000 pound weights. Then Justin is using a punching bag. A black man then walks up to him.

"You Justin,the asked.

"Yeah who are you,Justin replied.

"I'm Andre Wright worked in the Marine Corps heard a lot about you the perfect man,Andre said.

" Yeah I am were you apart of the attack on Rockville,Justin asked.

"Yeah we saw you kicking ass,Andre said.

"We negros like you are probably really good at  sports so you probably love kicking ass."

"I was just about to compliment you but now your attacking like a asshole,Andre said.

"Well I'm sorry it takes time getting you used to the real world,Justin aplozied.

"It's okay,Andre replied.

"Yeah my creator was part of the KKK so I'm trying to the evil white man personality out of me"

"Pale face you know that High School name Kevin Ross High School I teach there math teacher ,Andre replied.

"What is that suppose to mean,Justin asked.

"What else do you call a white man like you."

"So it's okay you call me paleface but when I call you negro it's not okay,Justin said.

"Well read the history books,Andre replied.

"Anyway I got to go I have a mission."

"Bye,Andre said.

Time Skip and Jump Skip. 

Justin and Jennifer are assigned to stop a drug  and weapons deal happening at a alley in Baltimore.  The weapons there selling are weapons from the alien invasion like Electron Blasters and black hole bombs.  The weapons are like the weapons you would use if  you want to kill Jesus these weapons you would use.   Justin and Jennifer went to fight them. Justin and Jennifer easily defeated them then they returned to the weapons and drugs to police.

At Bank Robbery.

There were 6 people robbing a bank. The bank was the owner of bussneis man name John H. Parker. A caucsian bank owner who makes 13 billion dollars and was born 1972. The bank is called  Parker Credit and Loan Union.  All of the people were wearning mask and holding pistols.   They shot all the security guards. Then they opened a massive case.  Then they took out there 12 money bags and stuffed there money in it. Then they all drove away in a van.

At  a apartment.

Justin was in tank top at his bathroom shaving his mustache and beard. Then when he shaved it he looked much handsomer. Justin had his blonde hair and his six packs and large biceps make him extremely handsome. Anyway Justin decided to go a Afrrican American Musuem at Baltimore. He put on a sweater and jeans. He then drove to the African American Musuem.

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