Dr Paranormal

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Chapter 3 

Me and Lee searched for the Seven Deadly Sins and when we found the location we went back to the temple for a game plan.

"Since the demons are to powerful we need to divied and conquer once we defeat each demon are battle with Blood will be easier,I said. 

We then went to the location of Seven deadly Sins. They were in abounded haunted house in middle of  the Sucide Forest in Japan. We went there saw   a dead bodies of people who thought that life would be better heaven and killed themselves leaving there families behind.

We saw dead trees then a old abounded mansion in the center.

"We'll explore then entire house."

We entered the dark house. We heared sceams.

"They say when you commit suicide you live your worst fears you ever possible can same is for killing someone,Lee said.

"It just feels sad taking your life just because you feel like you should die, I replied.

"We should start exploring this place looks scary."

We split up and explored this abounded house. We saw skulls and bones scattered. I went downstairs to the  basement. There I saw the 10 foot tall lady. She then ran at me to attack me. I then dodged the attack and cut her arm off. Then I cut her head off. You know when  the demons coming to attack when you hear the noise poe.

Lee defeated the witch.  I then keep exploring the big basement then were I saw a creepy doll. The doll was next to Ouija Board. The doll had telekinesis and threw objects at me like  chairs. I dodged it and blew fire at the doll.

I then easily killed the doll. We killed the six  demons and me and Lee went to the attic and saw Blood. He trying to summoned resurrect him. He then turned around and took out his weapon. 

"We killed your demons. Also my power level is 130,000 and Lee's is 30,000   yours is 50,000 thousand  we will easily kill you,I said.

"We'll I'm sure you will defeat me but  I wasn't here to fight but to fight the person I'm ressucting also your forgot the giant demon Wrath."

Then the dark cloudy forest changed into a thunder storm. Then a giant dragon. Was made outside the house. Then the  giant 60 foot tall demon attacked the house. 

"Lee fight the  demon I'll fight the dragon."

I went to fight the giant dragon. The dragon flew to attack me.  I then   blasted electric energy at the dragon. The dragon dodged the attack and grabbed me with it's tail and bite my head off. My head then grew back and  made plants vines and tied up the dragon. Then summoned bomb spell on the dragon's tail. The tail then exploded to pieces and let me loose.

The dragon broke the vines it was tied to. I jumped on the dragon and stabbed it in the neck.  Then I  used chi blocking spell on the ground neck blocking the chi form fueling the Dragon's magic. So then I fought the dragon and kept beating and torturing it. then when I was about to kill it I realized if I did I might become like Merlin.

So instead of killing it. I just stop fighting it and healed it's wounds. Instead of killing your enimeis you make them your friend.  Lee was struggling fighting the giant 60 foot demon and then the dragon flew and tackled the giant demon and killed it. Blood was now concerned that he's outmatched.   Then Blood vainsshed away.

"Are we okay that he vanished, Lee asked.

"Don't worry I have a feeling we'll never see him again,I replied.

"So dragon you fight with me we will feed and take good care of you in the temple."

So me and Lee rode the dragon to Rockville Temple. When we got back I worked as the leader.  Then I quit my job being a professor so I could be a magician. see I can help people unlock there inere powers for only 100 dollars. Some people don't have powers only 5 percent of people have chi and only 3% know how to use it.  So I now I'm also a immortal demon slayer owning a dragon and a sword.

You know Ancient Stories said of magical warrior you will help the light win the battle to end all battles. I think I'm the warrior you guide the light when the war and battle that we need to fight. 

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