Sword's Oath Chapter 2

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At Atlantis.  

Jordan was talking to Atlantis king.

"I''m here to fight with you."

"Why,the king replied.

"Because my dad had a child with my mom who was atlantian and my dad was apart of the royal family of Volga. She loved my dad but since there apart of two different coutries the country Volga didn't like that so they kill my father infront of six year old me and told me to run.  So I trained like and assain and killed anybody who supported Volga and now I got this powerful sword I will team up with you to kill Volga,Jordan said.

Back at Jail.

Joshua was trapped in cell with nobody. Then the Princess Nia walked and unlock Joshua's prison cell. 

"What are doing princess,Joshua asked.

"I'm helping you."

Joshua escaped  a cell with the Princess.

"Nia what are doing."

"Look you want to track down the killer and when I was exploring the crime scene in your house I got a piece of DNA because your mom stabbed the killer and there's blood one the knife so if we can trace the DNA we can find him or her, The princess replied.

"First we escape Volga on horses and get weapons then trace the warrior like maybe we can go back to the hideout."

So Joshua got a sword and shield and Nia got a spear. They then escape by riding on horses. Joshua and Nia then bonded and roded for 4 hours. Then they went to a rainforest in a Volga then they saw Jordan we wearing only medvial tunic and holding a purple claymore sitting on rock. 

"I knew you'll come but now your ass is about to kicked by me,Jordan said.

"You sure about that I'll your head off,Joshua angrily said.

Joshua took out his sword and ran at  Jordan.

"your already dead,Jordan whispered to himself.

Jordan then dodged it.

"Your stubborn and ignorant,Jordan said.

Jordan slashed his sword Joshua.  Joshua then blocked it with his shield. Jordan then kept slashing his sword at Joshua shield. Then the shield  broke. Jordan then slashed his sword at Joshua. Joshua blocked with his sword. They both wering each other sword at each other. Then until Jordan redircted the sword then slashed it at Joshua forearm. Jordan then blast hellfire at Joshua making half of skin burn off. Then Joshua fell on his back bleeding to death. 

Joshua forearm was bleeding so bad he had to the strap of shield to put pressure on the scar.  Nia then  fought Jordan put then got defeat ealisy.

"People like you are born at advantage but my dad was murder by your father Joshua so I killed all family members for revenge now I will murder the future of Volga and the strongest  knight in Volga."

Joshua got up then fought Jordan. Jordan then defeat him easily then nearly killed him. Until Nia recovered and unlocked her true power. She used her telekinesis to through a tree at him. Jordan got hit the face with tree and fell to the ground. Well into the  Jordan was losing until Jordan teleported away. She then saw Joshua falling to the ground dying. 

"Joshua are you okay."

5 days later.

Joshua woke up  his scars healed. Then saw the Princess camping watching  bonfire. 

"I'ts been five days."

"I saw you dying so I healed you then we went to Captial of Volga and then we saw the country burning  and rotting to hell so we turned back and now were far from Volga." 

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