Chapter 22

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Hiiiiiiiiii! I have been so busy flipping a room into a photography office (my old "office" is a desk in my room) and now I can have a professional photography office! I spent a good three days painting the walls and the ceilings (painting the ceiling is HARD WORK), moving furnitures and carrying heavy boxes. I am sooooooo sore and my body aches like I have been hit by a truck.

Also it has been so hard getting back into the grind of juggling with work, school and writing. This chapter dedicated for the students, full-time employee and tired people!




Light flared bright behind my closed eyelids, turning my vision red. I groaned at the heaviness that weighed my head down. My mouth felt so dry and fuzzy.

I'm so thirsty.

I bleary cracked my eyes open.


Tree branches rustled above me as the sunlight pulsated through the green leaves, turning them into a bright yellow. Huh, where am I? My mind slowly regain control of my body. I groaned at the aches and pain. What the hell happened? I noted that I was laying on the cool grass. How did I get here? My brain flooded in recent memories as if answering my earlier question, here you go, Red, look at what trouble you got yourself in! I sighed in relief. Right, we went to find the outer glamour. I closed my eyes for a bit, but I yanked them open–remembering one crucial mess.


I gasped as I sat up quickly then instantly regretted. I groaned as my head pounded as the blood flowed down my body and the world began to tilt. I shut my eyes as I rubbed the throbbing of my temples away, taking a deep breath once I was able to get my bearings. Now, where is that mermaid! I whooshed my head back and forth searching for the deviant mer, paranoid of what mess she got herself in this time. I stopped at my surrounding.

"Whoa," I breathed. It was a small clearing dappled with wild flowers of all colors. Tall, strong trees surrounded the beautiful clearing, guarding it from the shadows that lingered beyond the trees–cocooning us in this small world. Sunlight bled through the trees' interlaced branches–sprinkling golden lights across the wild flowers. But no Bodhi.

"Bodhi?" I called out hesitantly.

A screech followed and something small fell from above, landing in a heap before me.

I yelped as I scrambled back till my back slammed against a tree.

The person groaned in pain.

"Bodhi!" I yelled angrily. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Red!" Bodhi jumped to her feet, throwing her arms wide. "You're alive!" She cried joyfully as she dropped down to her knees to hug me.

"I never died!" I said muffled, suffocated by a small person's torso and I attempted to push her off. "Now, can tell me why the hell you fell from the tree?"

Bodhi bounced back. "I was trying to get my granola bar back..." She trailed off as she searched the ground. "Ah! There it is!" She snatched the granola wrapped bar and then she stood. "Ha! You have been defeated, you nasty beast!" She shook her fist at the branches above.

"Wha–" I looked up. A small squirrel squeaked angrily back at Bodhi, then huffed before it scuttled away. I blinked at Bodhi who was happily munching away on her bar. Is this really happening? Am I still dreaming? I sighed in defeat. There was no point in dwelling on what just happened. I've learnt that with Bodhi... Anything can happen.

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