Go Kick Some Ass

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Today's the day.

We're leaving for Wakanda.

"We" being the Avengers... and me.

I'm a part of the Avengers, right?

Like I told Harley, I didn't even know when we were supposed to leave. I've learned to relax and let the big guys (Tony Stark) do the decision making and then he relays it to me somehow.

I fell asleep last night at 11:30, after Harley left. I'm very surprised Aunt May let him stay that long, or let him come in at all, because I'm grounded. But I told her I was leaving for a mission so I guess she found some mercy in her heart.

I was sound asleep on the bottom bunk, my room a light blue glow from the darkness outside mixed with the endless city lights. My phone was plugged into its charger on the table beside my bed. I had my ringer turned on just in case anyone needed me in the middle of the night. It's a superhero thing.

It was 5 a.m. and, suddenly, my phone screeched through the silence at full blast. I jumped awake, painfully hitting my head on the bars above me to my top bunk. I groaned, rubbing the growing sore spot and accepting the pounding ache. I reached for my phone, grabbed it aggressively, and ripped the charger away. I pressed the accept button and put the phone to my ear, still half asleep.

"H-Hello?" I mumbled groggily.

"Hey, Pete. It's Tony."

I hadn't even checked to see who it was before I accepted. Oops.

"Oh... hey. What's... up?" I yawned and fell back on my bed, the urge to sleep almost overcoming me.

"Sorry to wake you so early. We're leaving for Wakanda in two hours."

That woke me up big time. I bolted upright. "Two hours?" I hush-whispered in my regular voice.

"Yep. I didn't tell you sooner mainly because we didn't know until, like, 3 hours ago. Steve and I decided it was best to leave today, preferably early in the morning to avoid the risk of being seen and we can spend this day as travel time and spend tomorrow as working time. Got it?"

My brain, still asleep, was having a hard time retaining all this new information. "Uh, okay. I'll be there."

"You better be." He hung up and I sighed.

What a great start to a great day.

I walked to Aunt May's room and knocked gently.

No answer.

I knocked harder. "Pete?" She yawned loudly as I opened her creaky door and hung on the doorknob with a goofy smile, my feet shuffling across the floor. "Hey."

"Hi?" She squinted at me, rubbing her eyes and checking the time on her watch. "What are you doing? Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, um... Mr. Stark said we're all leaving for Wakanda today. Just thought I should let you know."

"Oh gosh, okay." She turned on the lamp beside her bed. "What time?"

"In two hours apparently."

"Oh, damn. You better get packing."

"I am."

"Do you need a ride there?"

"No, I'll probably just swing there."

"You sure?"

"Yeah. Get some practice in."

She smiled and walked over to me. She wrapped me in a hug and rubbed my back. I rested my head against her shoulder. "Please be careful," she whispered and kissed the top of my head softly. "I will," I promised her. Another promise to be careful. The second one within a span of hours.

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