Take a seat (A/N)

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Take a seat, me and you need to have a talk...😔.
I'm gonna be honest, I don't really care much for continuing this story and I feel guilty that alot of people are interested in it still. This book is probably where most of my followers come from and I'm gonna be honest if that's the case this book is on hold for a while and I'm not sure how long I'm gonna be taking a break from this. So if you've grown impatient, that's fine, I suggest you unfollow if you're really upset about it. But, if you actually like my writing and would like to see me write other stuff, even originals then I would love to see you stay and continue to support me. I want to develop my writing for more than just fanfics and want to branch out more. I'm sorry if that upsets you, but I just want to find my passion in writing again. I hope you guys find a way to accept and understand this. I don't want this to be permanent so it will just remain on hold for now. I love you all very much.
Thankyou so much for the support and love on this story and I hope one day I can give you all more.

-Rowan 🖤

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