Chapter Twelve, pt 2

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I give Mint a bottle of medium-grade healing potion. It's time to test the bow I recently got from the blacksmith shop. Reinforce the bow with enchantment magic and spread another protective layer around my hands. As I do that, I thought of making a glove. Erissa warns the surrounding people to put some distance from us. Deep breaths and adjust my mana input. Light arrow magic materialises as I pull the string and attach mana string on the arrow with the brother's exact location through a short cut route. Mint shows me a thumbs-up to confirm that everyone else has clear the way.


I launch the light arrow into the trees. Mint runs after it like the wind. Syl and Erissa catch up on her tail.

"Are you sure they will find him this time?" Guild master appears beside me.

"Of course," I respond in confidence.

Guild master observes my expression. He nods once then leave. I turn around and see the girl is standing at the back, holding both her hands together. She keeps looking at the place where Mint disappears into.

"Take care of her when they get here," I whisper to Senior Officer Derek.

He understands the meaning behind my words and swiftly moves closer to her side. While we wait, I inspect the bow in my hand for any damages. It looks just fine and besides; light magic is not as destructive as lightning. I'm satisfied with the outcome. It has been around half an hour and I already detect their return.

"They're coming."

I stand and wait near the trees. Mint returns alone whilst carrying an unconscious man on her back. Senior Officer Derek and the female healer are holding the girl back from running over to us. I ignore her screaming and help Mint lay the man gently on the ground. His breathing is slow.

"He was barely breathing when we found him, but he's still not opening his eyes after drinking the potion." Mint inform me of his condition.

It's hard to tell if he's suffering for any external injuries since his body is covered in dirt, but there's no time for a diagnosis. I heal him right away with recovery magic. A couple of seconds later, his eyes slowly flutter open.

"Am I in paradise?"

His voice is hoarse.

"Not yet."

Mint and I chuckle.

I wave at the person anxiously waiting at the back. The officer let her go. She runs over in tears. Now that he's out of critical condition, I let the other healers take care of him properly.

"We'll take him to the infirmary." Says the female healer.

The brother is carried away on a cart with the sister holding her brother's hand tightly. I look at Mint.

"Where's Syl and Erissa?"

"A couple of monsters were following us. I ran ahead while they distract them." Mint replies.

Syl and Erissa return shortly after with a party of injured adventurers, though the smiles on their faces don't reflect the smeared dirt all over their body. One of them must have hurt his foot since he's limping with the support of his party member. Other adventurers are shooting envious glares at them despite their predicament. I'm the only one who doesn't understand what's happening. Senior Officer Derek notice my puzzlement and explain the adventurers' behaviours.

Senior Officer Derek says, "Elves' rangers are an elite group of warriors. They don't rely on their magic even though it is greater than humans and defeats their enemies mostly with their physical prowess. The rise of female soldiers and adventurers are because they strive to be like the rangers. Many guards apply to be stationed at the gate in hopes of having the chance to encounter them. It's a great honour to witness them in action since they are rarely seen outside the forest."

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