Chapter Thirty-Nine

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It's been a long time since anything bad happened to me. A few weeks or so. Its nearing Halloween and Phoebe wants to go trick or treating. So we're shopping for a costume for us all. When I say all I mean Phoebe, Mike, Layla, Abe and I. Yes Mike and Layla are getting dressed up to.

We've been to plenty of shops and there arn't many costumes to pick from. A witch, devil or death seem to be our only options. This particular shop also has a skeleton and cat. Phoebe of course wants to be a cat complete with whiskers so right now she's happily selecting her costume. Layla has a witch costume so that Phoebe can be her cat. Abe will be a devil and Mike will be death.

I'm the only one still undecided. When Phoebe wanted to be a cat I automatically reached for the witch costume but  my head was pulled away. Phoebe's hand tugged at mine "You don't have to be a witch just because I'm a cat. She tells me. I nod. The problem is, I don't know what I want. I've never been able to choose something like this. When it comes to big, important decisions I can make them at the snap of fingers, in a split second. However ask me a small thing and I can muse for hours.

Layla holds up several items all of which I decline. But then I see a piece of white fabric burried under a pile of more desired costumes. I pull it gently out to reveal what can only be a ghost costume. A long, flowing white dress. At just above the waist the tendrils curl around forming the top half of the gown, sleaves included.

It's perfect. I hold it up to me and twirl around to show the others. After a moment of silence Layla nods in approval. "Haunting." Commenting both on my looks and feel of the costume.

I smile gratefully "Thanks! Phoebe, do you want to help me look for some make-up?" She nods enthusiastically and we walk around the shop corner. It doesn't take long before everyone has everything they need for there costumes. 

When we get home I have an idea. I call the number stuck to the fridge with a magnet. It rings once, twice, three times. No answer. I'm just about to hang up when a distracted Marie answers the Phone. "Hello? Who is this?" 

"Hi Marie. This is Emma." 

"Emma! I would have called, but I've been so busy with the baby. She's fine by the way." She rushes.  I've actually spoken to Marie a couple of times before now, but not in the last few days.     

I grin although she can't see me "Maybe I can babysit sometime..." I start to suggest but I am cut off half way through.

"That would be great! That is, if you don't mind?" She asks anxiously.

"Sure, I wouldn't have offered if I didn't want to. But I actually called to ask if you wanted to come trick or treating with us?"

Marie pauses, unsure "But the baby..."

"The baby can come. Bring a dummy and a bottle, she'll be fine."

"Okay, sure." The sound of crying fills the air. Damn, got to go!" She yells before she hangs up the phone. 

"Marie, Steve and Asha are coming trick or treating with us!" I shout to no one in particular. I'm in such a great mood right now, I could sing. Or dance. Or... "Phoebe?" I yell to get her attention.

"What? She yells back from the living room.

A voice interjects before I can say anything. Its Layla "Don't shout from room to room!" Quite ironic really since shes shouting from room to room to make us stop doing it.

I walk into the living room from the kitchen. "Fine. Phoebe, do you want to make Halloween cookies?"

"Yeah!" She eagerly agrees.

Abe pouts "Me too!"

I nod "Yeah you too. Now come on, we need flour, eggs, milk, butter and sugar! Plus some smarties or something to decorate it."

Ten minutes later the kitchen is an absolute mess. There's a light dusting of flour across almost everything, including each other. Not to mention there's at least one egg dropped on the floor and a piece of batter on Phoebes nose, and at the corners of her mouth. She's defiantly been eating batter. I put the cookies into the pre-heated oven. 

I glance around the kitchen unsure what to tidy up first. I pick up the scales and wipe them over with a cloth before placing them in the cupboard. Got to start somewhere, right? Once the kitchen is clean and the batches of cookies are done I had one to everyone before putting them in a zip-lock bag and hiding them. Hopefully they won't all be eaten before Halloween.  

 Out of the blue I ask Mike "Have you met up with your mother recently?" I ask. 

He looks warily at me "Are you joking? She was really mean to you, of course not!"

I shrug "I didn't think you cared so much about my opinion anyway."

Mike shrugs "Well, I do. Have you met the people moving in?"

I shake my head. "I have no idea who they are. It's been sold but empty for a while now, I'm guessing problems with the estate agent." I'm not really that interested in the topic anyway.

My line of thought is interrupted by mutterings from Layla "Forgot to post this dumb letter."

"What letter?" I ask curiously. I knew she had one in her purse but I had no idea who it was addressed to, or that she intended to post it today.

Layla looks cheesed-off. "It's to my no good , lying, cheating ex!" She seethes. "It tells him the minimum requirement for the child care money. Which by the way, he hasn't been payed."

I wince. Layla isn't struggling for money but it isn't exactly a walk in the park for her either. A little extra support from Shane would be welcomed. Mike interrupts "If you need money Layla, ask."

Layla shakes her head "No offence but I earn more than you anyway." Layla is a nurse, she works during the school day so she doesn't have to worry about Abe.

Layla picks up her car keys "Well anyway. I have to go. Anyone coming. Phoebe and I volunteer the boys just shake there heads.

A sudden uneasy feeling overcomes me. I hope nothing becomes of it. I really do.   

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