Chapter Twenty-Five

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I breathe deeply and try to remember all the reasons I'm doing this. Reason one: Layla is on the other side of the door. Reason two: if I don't go in Mike will be a miserable idiot for the rest of his life. Reason three: They make a good couple and I like fixing relationships.

I go to knock on the door but all the reasons I don't want to do this enter my head. Reason one: Layla is on the other side of the door. Reason two: If I go in I might have a heart attack from nerves. Reason three: Social services may be called.

So what do I do? I breathe deeply and don't knock. The reasons not to go in far outweigh the reasons to go in. I don't knock, I ring the bell instead.

I cross my fingers, half hoping she'll answer and half praying she won't. I wait for a few seconds before hurrying down the hall towards Mike. "She didn't answer." I inform.

"She will answer I can hear footsteps from here." He answers.

I resort to begging "Please don't make me do this! I can't do it, I'm not brave enough." I swallow. I'm dangerously close to crying. I can't do it. I thought I could but I can't.

Mike shakes my shoulders lightly. "Emma. You don't have to do it. But if it's because you think you can't you have to go over there. You can do anything you want okay? I've never seen you scared or upset. You’re the bravest person I know." After his little speech he turns me around and pushes me down the hall. I hear the chain being undone and know it's too late to back out or run away. All I have to do is talk to someone. Easy.

Layla standing in front of me looking confused. "What are you doing here?"

I smile and say brightly "I thought we could talk!"

Layla moves to the side "Come in."

I walk into the kitchen and take a seat. I feel as though my hands should be sweating but they aren’t. I wipe them on my jeans anyway. Layla walks in and plays host for awhile asking if I want anything to eat or drink. Then she asks "What have you been up to?"

I smile. This is the question I've been waiting for, I need to answer it and get the hell out of here.

"Nothing much. I did go to dinner with a friend and my sister." I reply. Depending on the questions she asks she can make my life so much easier, or harder.

Layla looks curious "I didn't know you had a sister. Where was she when you came here?"

Defiantly making my life harder. I try to dodge the question "Her name is Phoebe. She looks a lot like me."

She doesn't seem to be diverted at all and she asks accusingly "Did you let her stay with your mother? I feel so sorry for her. You’re not a very nice sister are you?"

I snap. No one can say that to me. I shout at her "You don't know the half of it! You don't know what its like, so don't you start making accusations when you don't know the facts. Even if you knew the facts you wouldn't understand. You tried to make us go with the stupid people from social services, if that happened they would have split us up. It would have been your fault! The only reason I came here is because your ignoring your boyfriend who happens to be my friend. You’re ignoring him because you saw him with his mother who you thought was his girlfriend! Get over yourself and make up with him!" I run out and down the street.

I reach the house run up the stairs and pack my bags. I'll wait for Phoebe and then we're out of here. We'll live in grandmother’s house. Apparently she’s leaving it to me in her will anyway. It will officially be mine when I'm sixteen. Phoebe can stay here if she wants but I can't stay here knowing Mike is dating Layla. I know I'm being a drama queen but no one can accuse me of not doing the best for my sister.

I'm fed up with drama and problems. Is it too much to ask for a normal life, with your average family? A family who won't abandon you or forget you. A family who'll love you and buy you a puppy for Christmas. Apparently it is.

Mike comes in behind me panting "You run like the freaking wind." He comments still breathing heavily.

"Leave me alone Mike." I order.

 Mike ignores me "Why are you packing? Emma, where are you going?"

I spin around. "You know why I'm packing. You listened in on every word you were stood right by the door."

Mike looks confused "How did you know that?"

I sigh. "There was a moving shadow under the door where you were standing. Also you were leaning on the door and it creaked every time you changed position."

Mike grins appreciatively "Nice! You need to teach me this stuff.   But your right I heard. I get your mad that Layla said some pretty bad stuff about you. You don't have to leave though."

I smile sadly "Yeah I do. She'll be around here all the time and I don't trust her..."

I trail off as Mike shakes his head. "She won't be around here all the time." I'm confused and it must show on my face because he explains "Not if I break up with her."

I'm completely shocked. I search his face to see if it’s a trick but he looks sincere. "You would break up with your girlfriend so I wouldn't move out?" I ask.

Mike frowns. "When you put it like that I sound like a creepy stalker."

I laugh and throw my arms around his neck. "Thank you, but that won't be necessary. Don't break it off with her."

Mike stares at me, "But then you'll move out and you have nowhere to go."

I stare back and roll my eyes. "I'm not moving out." 

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