Chapter 7

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December 23 2015

"Ma." Becky said rushing to her mom and hugging her.
"Oh darling." Annette said holding her. "It is so good to have you home."
"It's good to be home." Becky said as they walked to get her bags.
"How was the flight?" Annette asked.
"I slept the whole time." Becky said. "I had just finished tapping Smackdown."
"Right." Annette said.
After collecting her things they head back to Annette's house.
"How is Rich and da?" Becky asked.
"Good." She said. "Rich is teaching a class now but will be over for dinner and your da will meet you tomorrow for lunch."
"Good, good." Becky said.
"So how is work?" Annette asked.
"Things are good." Becky said.
"Do you like being in the main roster?" She asked.
"It's a lot more work and travel but I love it." Becky said.
"That's good darling." Annette said. "How do you get town to town?"
"We drive." Becky said. "Well I ride and Seth or Roman drive."
"Seth was the one who was hurt right?" Annette said.
"Yes, here in Ireland in November." Becky said.
"No,luck here for him." Annette said. "Is he recoverying well?"
"Slowly." Becky said.
"And Roman?" Annette said.
"Roman Reigns he's the new WWE champion." Becky said.
"The one with the hair?" She asked.
"Yes and the arm tattoo." Becky said. "I rode with his wife and daughter from Boston to Philly after TLC."
"I remember a picture being sent to me of you sleeping with a young girl."
"We passed out in the back seat." Becky said. "Jojo is eight."
"And how are you and Charlotte?" She asked.
"It's a long story there but we're working things out." Becky said.
"Well I am glad you have some friends there." She said. "But more glad you are home."
Becky smiled as they pulled up to the house and unloaded.

"Rich." Becky said hugging her brother when he arrived for dinner.
"Hi." Rich said hugging her. "I know we saw you last month but man, it feels like a long time."
"I know the feeling." Becky said.
"So tell me about life." Rich said.
"Things are good." Becky said.
"Still in Orlando?" He asked.
"Not to much, been spending a lot of time in Davenport, Iowa." Becky said. "Seth lives there."
"How is his recovery?" Rich asked.
"Slow." Becky said. "But good."
"Time is funny, can seem slow and fast but always moving at the same pace." Annette said.
Becky laughed and filled them in on things and answered all the questions they had.

December 24 2015

"Da." Becky said as she arrived at the small pub.
"Hello my sweet lass." Ken said standing and hugging her. "Sit, sit."
Becky smiled and took her jacket off and sat down. After ordering she filled him in on her life in wwe and traveling all over.

"So you and this Seth are close?" Ken said.
"He's become me best friend." Becky said.
"Just friends?" Ken asked making Becky blush. "Spill me dear."
"There are feeling there." Becky said. "But I've been worried since we work together."
"I can see that but my sweet lass you cannot let it stop you from being happy and finding love." Ken said. "If we always hide when we're scared we never really live."
"I know." Becky said.
"I can see you miss him." Ken said.
"I do." Becky said. "It's strange but I do so much."
"It is not all strange, it's love my sweet lass." Ken said. "Love is strange magical thing. Like the wind, not there one moment and then a tornado, it can be a soft breeze or a gust so hard it knocks you on your arse."
Becky smiled and listened to what you dad had to say. He had a way of helping her see things clearer when she needed it.

"Evening all." Ken said coming into Annette's for Christmas Eve dinner.
"Hello." Annette said greeting him before Rich.
"Where is your sister?" Ken asked.
"In the living room, she seems miles away." Rich said.
"She is." Ken said. "Our little lass is in love."
"In love?" Annette said.
"Seth?" Rich asked.
"Yes." Ken said.
"Hello da." Becky said when he entered the living room.
"Your ma and Rich say yours miles away." Ken said.
Becky blushes and giggled.
"I can't help it." Becky said.
"I know my sweet lass." He said.

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